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About Firenz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. They're already in the ACR dlc for ARMA 2 so it won't be all new stuff.
  2. Firenz

    bike racing bandits

    I should add that my mate told them he was meeting us, after he escaped the bandits (Gunner Jan and his friend), they came to where we were. I had been listening to everything going on through skype so had set up an ambush. One of them came down the road, saw me and got off his bike, the other ported in. I hit them both, killed one out right and think the other was bleeding badly. As I was making my escape and was out of sight, I just dropped dead...... Bit annoying to lose my first decent kit (ghillie. m16 etc) to death by hacker.
  3. As I was playing earlier today one of my mates got robbed..... a couple of guys appeared close to him, shot him in the leg and proceeded to take everything from him in a hold up that lasted about 10 mins..... except they then gave him a transfusion, a crowbar, a bike, and a 15 second headstart before they would chase him and shoot him. Curtailing the story, he got away after 20 frantic minutes of cycling, with them chasing him on bikes all around the houses. Gunner Jan and friend, I like your style, even if you are a scriptkiddie! Just had to share this story, as I've never heard of trolling to such a great extent in this game that even the guy being trolled had a blast.