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Everything posted by Yeldo

  1. So, I got the game yesterday and I understand most of it. I am still practicing skills and such though. Anways, I hope to become....a bandit. If there is anyone that is willing to help a noob to become a bandit and has skype. Please leave a message below.
  2. Hey what's up? So I just got this game yesterday and I.Am.Totally.Lost, so I need one of you guys to be my partner or "friend'. Please be around the age of 14 and have skype.
  3. Yeldo

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam ID: YeldoGames In-game ID: Yeldo Approx. Hours: 2? I'm kinda a noob and was wondering if you guys could teach me some. Specialty/ Skills: I think a sniper position would be great.
  4. Yeldo

    I'm new, looking for friends.

    Can I join you guys? I know you said no one under 15 but I'm 14.
  5. Yeldo

    Creating a Team/Group

    SteamID: YeldoGames In-game Name: Cameron IF Any, Preferred Nickname: Yeldo Age: 14 Location: United States Time of Experience in DayZ: I just got the game today, was wondering if you guys could teach me how to play>:) Preferred Role: Survivor/Sniper IF Any, Military Tactics Experience: Stealth Time that you will be available: Almost everyday (after school) Days available: Look above Goal in the team: To make more friends Willing to lose items fighting against bandits and zombies: Yes!
  6. Hello everyone, I justgot Dayz a few hours ago and I suck at it. Therefore I need some advanced players to help me with controls, scavenging, etc. Please be over the age of 13 and have skype.
  7. Yeldo

    Need more merry men!

    Ok, thanks!
  8. Yeldo

    Looking for a sniping partner

    Hey, I got the game a day ago after watching tons of sniping videos about it. It seems really interesting, maybe you ould teach me some more about stealth and the game in general and i can snipe with you.
  9. Yeldo

    Friends needed.

    How old are you? I might be interested.
  10. Yeldo

    Friends needed.

    How olad are you? I might be interested.
  11. Yeldo

    Need more merry men!

    Hey, I'm pretty new to the game and consider myself a "noob". But I was wondering if I can join your group and you guys could teach me some stuff? If you can that would be awesome.
  12. No thanks, I play on small servers and avoid hackers.