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Everything posted by GamerChick92

  1. GamerChick92

    US 1601 Base Cords

    I decided i do not want to play this game anymore due to how much time it takes up. I have had a lot of school work recently and just don't have time for the game. Cords - 059 018 These are the cords to my base. -40 tents -Most vehicles in the map except chopper and V3S -All guns in the game mostly This isn't a trap... just tired of the game and want to give some players who need gear a chance to get it at my base... You guys can take what you want except for the Ural. Thanks, Gamerchick
  2. GamerChick92

    US 1601 Base Cords

    Suit yourselves. If you want free sh!t go there. If you don't... then don't
  3. GamerChick92

    US 1601 Base Cords

    2 min after i just posted this? sure.... troll
  4. GamerChick92

    US 1601 Base Cords

    Whatever man... Shutting down the server in 2 days. It will all be gone soon.
  5. GamerChick92

    US 200

    i was banned. unban me please