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2 Neutral

About Ronnys

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ronnys

    In Need of a Team! Join Up! You Will be Treated Fairly!

    I have all of the requirements, I'll PM you my Steam name for communication if accepted. FYI I'm called Ryan in-game.
  2. Name: Ryan Age: 13, but I refrain from being an idiot. xD TeamSpeak Name: I'll make one called Ronnys. TeamSpeak 3, right? Mic?: I can sometimes use it, but I have a squeaky voice... just a warning. Why do you want to join?: I need a friendly group of people to play DAYZ with. :P Experience in game: I know almost everything there is to know about the game, so I'd say 8/10. Timezone: Oh pfft, it's US Central. UTC: 06:00 Bio: I enjoy videogames and cats, and that's all you need to know. In game Name: Ryan
  3. Ronnys

    DayZ is out of control.....

    Kinda trolly there, but... BEANS.
  4. Hello, I'm Ronnys, (its also my in-game name) and I am a moderately new player BANDIT looking for a group of people to play DayZ with. My favorite servers. ZUST servers: kthxbai, RONNYS