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Everything posted by pbrunk

  1. what about the art behind her?
  2. Also longer epeen. on an unrelated note: wtf is up with your signature Gews. it has always weirded me out. Now i am even more confused.
  3. Does anybody know of a good iphone app that includes a map of taviana? kthxby :beans:
  4. Could someone give me the low down on all the maps that aren't Chernarus. Which ones are good? Which ones do you play? What are the differences between them? thanks GUYS :beans:
  5. pbrunk

    Dayz Of Thrones

    dayz and game of thrones. literally my two favorite things. It was high time someone made a crossover.
  6. damn, i had no idea there were so many. beans for you
  7. thanks, that was exactly what i was looking for
  8. pbrunk

    New Player, Desperately Need Help

    go on the internets and watch the youtubes of 1337 players doing 1337 things
  9. So my buddy and I recently got a private hive up and running. For the last 90 minutes we have been scouring the countryside for helicopter crash sites in a little bird, but we have come up empty handed. I have been using maps like this http://southcoastbeanwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Crashed-Heli-Map-v7.jpg and flying over likely locations. I think we must be doing something wrong. We have been flying at 70-100m up, both during the night and day to no avail. Are we flying to high up? Is it possible we set up the private hive wrong so there are no crash sites? Any other ideas?
  10. The old horse kept his word. The confused and teary eyed pbrunk accepted his new gear and set off into the sunset. THE END
  11. time to find out if gews is the most charitable horse in Equestria
  12. i hit you up in our pre-existing exchange about your 1337 sniping video
  13. why are so many of the people you shoot walking?
  14. I'm looking for a group or person to pal around with today. Right now i'm trying to be a hero, but I'm getting tired of just snooping around cherno or elektro solo until i inevitably get shot. I'm looking for some variety. Right now my survivor on the main server has been alive for about a half an hour, so I don't have much gear. Anyone interested? Ive got a mic, steam, skype, and team speak.
  15. pbrunk

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    even if someone just poked there head out of a hole and said "hey we are working hard on x y and z" that would be greatly appreciated
  16. I just got killed by a hacker after refusing to take gear and a vehicle. WHERES MY MEDAL
  17. pbrunk

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    quick question: does rocket going to everest mean that there is no communication between the dev team and the community until he returns? that is totally how its shaping up right now
  18. just for the record, this went really well and we ended up with a hmmv
  19. pbrunk

    someone give me a medal

    thanks for the medal, it will go in my signature