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Everything posted by pbrunk

  1. pbrunk

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Passionate men like mrBandit would benefit greatly from the use of paragraphs. If this patch is as bad as everyone says it is, then go take a break till it's fixed. I suggest playing breaking point. It is very fun.
  2. pbrunk

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    everyone keep calm and report bugs
  3. pbrunk

    Zombie mechanics relative to weight

    Very productive first post mate. :beans: This would be a solid change that would increase immersion.
  4. thanks for the new desktop background. it will replace this http://www.mmogames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/zombie-mmo-games-dayz-standalone-survivor-screenshot.jpg
  5. rewatch those vids demon i think you missed something
  6. pbrunk

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    hearing it fire will still scare the shit out of everyone
  7. pbrunk

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    ive heard that you cant lose agro by blocking line of sight. Does that mean no more zigzagging through pines? Will a zed chase you from kamenka to NW if you stay out of buildings?
  8. you mean the vids uploaded by A-- *boom crack bang* OHH THE HUMANITY. MY INNAAAARDS!11!!1!!!11!!! PLEASE STOP MODS, ILL BE GOO--- *gunshot*
  9. lol, did anyone notice the broken door on the second story of that house?
  10. can i get a useless comment on page one of the thread? edit: yes i can. also very exciting stuff.
  11. yeah idk why an honest player would pick up one of those. I know some admins ban when they see them in their logs.
  12. actually on second thought, the server i play on probably has to update some shit.
  13. ive died exiting the mi17 in the last 2 weeks. I don't think its fixed.
  14. pbrunk

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Has a weight system been considered or implemented? I think a fresh spawn should run much faster than a player with a full backpack and a military grade weapon. Someone is running around with a 50 cal and a ghille shouldn't be going very fast.
  15. me and some buddies are going to have a delicious feast somewhere in chernarus. The plan was to cook our own meat and eat it around fireplaces. We went to devils castle, but the fireplaces would not work. Does anyone have a suggestion for an epic place to have this feast. we will post screens.
  16. i think we decided on the tall sniper industrial spot in cherno
  17. its on a tiny hive, i was thinking more like blunt rocks or international hotel
  18. please be quick ye forumers. time is of the essence.
  19. pbrunk

    Free stuff! Military and more!

    did anyone successfully get shit from these guys?
  20. pbrunk

    Some standalone footage some of you might have missed

    thanks, i dont know how i missed this. i thought i was keeping pretty close tabs on this kind of stuff. beans for you
  21. pbrunk

    New tweet from Rocket

    welcome back to the kindest most supportive place on earth, the dayz forums
  22. pbrunk

    The Moment of SA Launch

    thanks, beans for you :beans:
  23. pbrunk

    The Moment of SA Launch

    ^^^ really? am i just being gullible?
  24. pbrunk

    Offering URAL

    I will start the bidding with one M4A1 CCO SD(ammo not included)