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Everything posted by pbrunk

  1. try and plot its development on a graph so we can extrapolate.
  2. pbrunk

    The Release Date for Dayz Standalone

    I am not one to say that rocket owes the community anything, but I do think that a little warning would be polite. I hope he gives us fair warning.
  3. put lighthouses at all the bad spawns. that way i don't have to run and find a zombie to hug when i spawn at otmel.
  4. I've always stayed away from Berezino because it looks like shit. It's the worst made place in the game imo
  5. pbrunk

    Title picture for my dayz videos!!

    bump for you sir
  6. pbrunk

    simple good idea for mod

    If it is faster for me to die and spawn somewhere else than running from my current location, then i will choose the faster option. If i spawn at three valleys, then I am not just going to suck it up and take it. I am going to run until i find a zed to beat me to death. I would rather have a light house at three valleys to jump from than having to search for a zed. Either way my character is going to die. If I can avoid 15 boring minutes of dayz, then I will gladly do it every time. Its not like i'm advocating duping. Death by falling is a perfectly legitimate gameplay mechanic. Restricting its use would be restricting player choice. Isn't our illustrious leader all about player choice?
  7. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    This idea is pretty simple, and i'm sure that our boys at Bohemia will implement it if they stumble upon this. At Rezzed Dean explains among other things, what is going on with shoes and foot damage. If you havent checked it out scroll to the bottom. :) My idea is to have cross country spikes They would wear out much faster but give you a significant speed boost when running. Maybe make them super rare like he suggested with thermal weapons. (edit) Also Steel toed boots. They would slow you down a little but wear out very slowly. Beans please :beans:
  8. pbrunk

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    some of us are not so enlightened.
  9. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    I think something like this is a necessity. spikes would be cool imo but basic stuff like this is more important.
  10. pbrunk

    simple good idea for mod

    LOL. I just got back from a 2 day camping trip. :beans: The amount of hate this post got is hilarious. I thought that adding more lighthouses to facilitate suicides would be a well received request. Boy was I wrong. Here were my two favorites: That one really stung burritoman. I think i'm going to go jump from a lighthouse.
  11. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    I think it should be a high end item that has a low number in circulation. Rocket talked about having 1 thermal sighted weapon in circulation at a time. I think having 1,000 spikes for hundreds of thousands of players would be nifty.
  12. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    You are correct. Spikes are terrible on concrete. People use different shoes for racing on concrete. But you are also wrong, spikes do make you go faster. They give you more traction, which allows for greater accelleration and faster speeds. I don't mean to be a dick but it doesn't sound like you have ever worn spikes before.
  13. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    Read up on Pistorius' legs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius#Dispute_over_prosthetics He has had to modify them to not be springy.The olympic committee ruled that he did not have an advantage over able bodied atheletes in the 400m. They are basically spikes. His prosthetics weigh a little less than a persons lower legs but that is a minor difference. If you think that spikes only make you go faster on slippery surfaces, then why do all competitive track athletes wear spikes?
  14. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    That would be awesome. Also I watched that entire video for some reason.
  15. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    If your nike's are nike Victory's then just screw them in the bottom. :) maybe we could craft nails with shoes and make ghetto spikes. I have actually seen those before.
  16. cross country spikes http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140928-sa-shoe-idea/
  17. pbrunk

    SA Shoe idea

    Spikes give you more traction. They definitely boost your speed. oscar pistorius is a double amputee that has prosthetics with spikes on the bottom. http://l.yimg.com/os/en/blogs/sptusolyexperts/photo11123-3.jpg So actually he is basically wearing spikes.
  18. pbrunk

    White flag

    with the current outlook of the majority of players, a white flag would just be a bullet magnet.
  19. Im just going to pretend its a dev blog
  20. pbrunk

    Can't do much...

    and this ladies and gentleman, is why I am deathly afraid of 1.7.7
  21. pbrunk

    So We Took A Stab At Modception

    If i learned anything from Dead Island, it was never to trust a promo cinematic. How about some gameplay or a "big list of features"?
  22. pbrunk

    Dupers in 1.7.7 don't know what hit them

    best shit ive seen on this forum in a while. well done :beans:
  23. pbrunk

    Can't do much...

    just give up. just kidding. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/A_Beginners_Guide
  24. pbrunk

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    It would be sweet if you could use an axe as a secondary. I would hold on to my trusty axe until i found my even trustier M9sd.