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About MikeErty

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MikeErty

    Looking for UK survivors.

    awesoooome, just get set up with this mod last night and so far have killed 1 zombie! i love it to bits though and realise i need allies if i wanna survive! aged 26, im fairly new to the world of arma though and ill have to get my head round this teamspeak stuff but i am at least reliable and a decent person :D in it for the team work! going to ur site now steam name MikeErty just been to ur site and im having trouble navigating it, what do i need to do to sign up, go to the dayZ area etc? i see like a page tree on the right with a dayZ link but i cant click it...?
  2. MikeErty

    Introduce yourselves

    Total noob to this game, only played it for about half an hour, spent all of that time hiding in the pitch black up a crane thing in a dock area, shot a zombie and got shot at! Luckily i survived. I'd love to find some fellow survivors who can be trusted to play with as this mod has more potential than most games ive played. I believe in integrity and honour and all that nice stuff so i can be trusted but i need some guys to help me survive! name is MikeErty on steam and will be the same in-game tonight.
  3. lmao this mod is awesome! i love the animosity, its like a full on conflict that we can all take part in! even though i dont wanna get shot by a bandit, its cool that the mechanics exist to allow them to play that way and create that dynamic! very cool stuff!