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Everything posted by grandblaarg

  1. grandblaarg

    Clearing the rooftops in cherno

    Found some good gear the other day and decided to actually help people out in my own way, Rules; If your on a roof, you're fair game :)
  2. grandblaarg

    Clearing the rooftops in cherno

    Nope, not hitting anyone but wannabe snipers (at least not that life). Last scene is after spotting some guys in a hacked vehicle heading in by the church, tried to scope in on them and bam
  3. grandblaarg

    Behold the best navigator ever

    OK, I play DayZ with some clan mates and put a short vid together of their reactions to the game, including this little gem at the 52 second point that i thought I'd share, http://youtu.be/wJupjErPERM?t=52s
  4. grandblaarg

    Day Z Videos

    A couple of nights ago 3 of us found a bus and decided to take a ride to electro, nothing could go wrong... ... untill we tried to run over a sniper with a bike
  5. grandblaarg

    Humanity score not rising

    Wierd thing for me when I join a server I start off with negative humanity and bandit skin ( had a few big gunfights in previous patch) Then 5 minutes later my humanity resets and I get the standard skin. Every time.
  6. grandblaarg

    Release the standalone already

    I will see your face palm and raise you
  7. grandblaarg

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    Exactly. LOLs. So you set up a server to hack in weapons which you could take to other servers and got banned? Hahahahahahaha... Cough ... Hahaha .....
  8. GMT 7:40 Server JP1 A hacker used the mortal combat hack to move all players on server to one spot , he had a soldier skin on though so kind of obvious who it was, name of rythimy. Anyway stole his gun and got my payback in first.
  9. NZ 15 Aug 6 2.53 GMT OK last night at 2:53 GMT running around on NZ 15, just north of Electro, when this happens. all players on server teleported to a random hill. (later figured out it was north of Pobeda Dam)
  10. grandblaarg

    Another Teleport Hack, NZ 15 (with vid)

    Yeah sucks, as in the vid we jumped out of the server prety quick . went into another one with like only 5/6 people. Started the long walk south and ten minutes in some dude appears behind us and starts shooting , killed us with one hit each. Wasnt amused.
  11. Just a small request regarding the SVD cammo. I have no problem with the gun itself being incredibly rare, thats perfectly fair. What I would like is for the ammo itself (7.62x54mmR) to spawn in a few more places, at the moment it can only be found along with the gun itself at the NW barracks, if the ammo could be made into a rare spawn at other buildings with military grade loot (stary tents, fire stations etc) I would be grateful.
  12. grandblaarg

    Disconnect/quit zone only allowed outside city/castle/house

    Yeah really need to block people from spawning in buildings, especially the NW barracks, Maybe make it so that if they try they'll be teleported ramdomly outside or be stunned on spawn. Mate of mine was killed after going all the way north to the barracks, we cleared each room but on the way out some guy spawned in behind us and killed him.
  13. grandblaarg

    Animals not yielding steaks ?

    Yeah after gutting animals the inventory system is a little bugged. Need to wait a little before you're able to pick up steaks. ( same as if friendly player drops loot for you takes time before you can collect it)
  14. Though wary of any idea posted that starts with "THE solution" I've got to say I like this idea. Though of course the color system only works on regular servers with tags enabled ( fair enough ) , I like the way it ties into the humanity system ( currently represented by heart rate). If this could be implemented it could help increase the amount of survivor cooperation hopefully reducing the feeling that you need to shoot anyone on sight.
  15. grandblaarg

    Pending Update: Build

    Will this patch fix the sound bug where if a player comes near you the sounds for eating drinking will play even if they did those actions long before? this happens for a lot of player generated sounds, eating drinking , setting up tent and using toolbox. http://dayzmod.com/f...to-players-170/
  16. was the other victim of this, same server one minute before was in the forest north of Petrovka, when suddenly some guy appeared out of no where and shot me, now i know this could be originally put down to bad luck just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, in a very short time frame having a guy with the same kit suddenly appear across the map and attack Napalm is a little sus. Before side chat was removed it was a little easier to track these things as players would warn each other of suspicious play , the only reason we really got this one was TS
  17. Umm beacuse DayI looks rubbish and iDay would probably get him sued by Appple :)
  18. same issue here, also unable to pick up anything from tents or meat from dead cows etc
  19. same here, found one east of Grishno
  20. grandblaarg

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    how about if bandits become more attractive to zombies , a smell of death if you will, increasing the range in which zombies can detect them.