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About TylerMak

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. TylerMak

    Chopper Attacks Us in Namalsk

    When the music started playing. Lol.
  2. Going to bump frequently, post any ideas you think may help.
  3. TylerMak

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Bump for civil trade unions.
  4. Thank you, our first S.N member. Tabris07 everybody! a round of applause! Be sure to also tell anyone you meet in DayZ about the S.N and how it works (if you have the time)
  5. All good questions, a legitimate murder I say is self defence, but you're right, it all comes down to little details, + remember many people wont report on the fence things like this. And another thing, about the nameplates, that's true they won't see the S.N if nameplates are disabled, but many servers I play have them (but true that not all do) so, as I said, you're going to have to state that you're apart of the S.N, and again this could be abused, we just hope that the abusers are reported quickly for blacklisting.
  6. TylerMak

    Are you a Looter, or a Shooter?

    I misunderstand, do you understand my question? I'm sorta asking if you shoot and then just scram or do you loot your kills, sorry if I misworded the question.
  7. Fallujanites, Lingorians, Chernarussians, Takistanis, Utesians, gather around. I have a question for thee. There comes a time in every man and woman's life during their DayZ experience where they must defend themselves accordingly. So, when you've killed a Bandit/Survivor/Hero, do you loot? if they're across the city in Elektro, and you know they have a good weapon and they're at the Hospital while you're at the Apartments, do you make the run? or sprint for it? So, are you a Shoot and run, or a Shooter and looter? Optional Question: Favorite map?
  8. TylerMak

    Cautious survivor

    If you're an AUS/NZ player, then you can keep our clan in your good books. It's extremely hard to see names before you shoot/interact, but if you see any of us in-game, we're usually grouped together and we only fire when fired at/provoked greatly. Tyler/Silverind/Aaron/Badlands/Shannon
  9. TylerMak

    Need morphine in Pogorevka church.

    Awaiting the thread that explains the deep and horrible murder that takes place between you two.
  10. What's your guys deal with bandits? just curious, I don't need assistance atm. Do you guys come armed? in groups? in groups of 3?, do you use choppers, what's the go? I'm curious on how you avoid being killed when someone says "Need a blood bag and morphine" so you go into the shed he's in, his mate comes in and chops you a new one and kills you. Do explain, please.
  11. That's the spitting replica of our story, just yours was in Chernarussia. Ours was in the Islands of Lingor.