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About fire_hazard

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lakewood Colorado
  • Interests
    DayZ Hosted Server
    --> US Chernarus DayZ - KBs [OLD] 40+ Private Hive <--

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  • Bio
    Been PC Gaming for a ____l o n g____l o n g____ time.
  1. fire_hazard

    Non private servers?

    And as a 'free' gift you get all the hackers you can stand
  2. fire_hazard

    Is there any age limit for DayZ??

    99 if you are older than 99 you need to retire from computer gaming - he he he
  3. He may have been using one of the many admin database tools to follow you, or see what direction you were going - BUT no he could not see your waypoints
  4. fire_hazard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Go get'em LoK Folks - it will be released when it is ready - go get your diaper changed and get a fresh bottle. Then WAIT
  5. fire_hazard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I am and will wait on news - real news on SA from Rocket and/or BI. This thread has gotten more like a food fight in a grade school.
  6. fire_hazard

    Satchel Charges. Legit or Not ?

    iirc when the black SUV spawns it has one (1) Satchel charge in it
  7. fire_hazard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It is like sitting ringside at the boxing championship of the world . The match has been on hold and is one (1) hour late starting. Then at ringside a fight breaks out and gets bigger and bigger over who is going to win the match that has not even started.
  8. fire_hazard

    Banned for unknown reasons [UK 306]

    Two hours fixing up a Apache and you never thought - this is not in standard DayZ, why is it here? I don't think they should allow 'non-standard' DayZ vehicles in private servers - then there is no question about what can and can not be found and used. But thats just my thought
  9. fire_hazard

    Noob looking for GOOD server

    Sula - bambi's need to know what country or time zone they are in?? I do chuckle every time I see a post - "what's a good server" and well - they don't say anywhere in the post where they are.
  10. fire_hazard

    How to Set Ban Zones

    set your ping to 75ms or 100ms go up as needed
  11. fire_hazard

    Need some help please

    Have your host do a reinstall They should be able to save user data
  12. fire_hazard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    someone please define ---> like a normal person.
  13. you do know this map is chopped off on the north and east side, correct??
  14. fire_hazard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    iirc I 'thought' I read somewhere it was going to be about $25 US I might be wrong, I am old and well first thing to go in the memory - L O L
  15. fire_hazard

    No option to choose gender

    Or fixed in standalone - what ever comes out first There are a lot of threads on this subject also