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ruggermike (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ruggermike (DayZ)

  1. ruggermike (DayZ)

    Death and the destruction of gear

    This is not an 'anti-bandit' suggestion, but is rather a suggestion to more realistically represent what happens to the physical objects carried by an individual when they experience life-ending trauma. How many pictures of war casualties or gangland murders have we seen where the victim is missing one or both shoes for no apparent reason...ask any combat veteran what the area surrounding a firefight looks like when it's over, how much broken equipment there is scattered around seemingly at random. The .50 calibre sniper rifles are all classified as 'anti-material' weapons...why don't they have any effect on the material being worn or carried by a player when shot with one? Even a clean headshot makes a nasty mess that could soak a map in blood and gore...not to mention what happens in a close range fight where the combatants fire multiple rounds at center mass, where bullets will penetrate the body and the cans of food in the pack...and why is all that gear in perfect working order when zombies just finished ripping and clubbing me to death and chewing on random parts of my anatomy? Simple suggestion: run a destroyed check against a random % chance for all gear a player is carrying at the time of their death...remove the gear that is destroyed. Complex suggestion: weight the destroyed check by calilber of weapon, location of wounds, and number of rounds or zombies causing death. The genesis of this suggestion is the realization that every player is an automated 'loot filter' for other players, a walking treasure chest of the most desirable survival gear...and that shooting them preserves this gear in perfect condition regardless of the circumstances, which is just nonsensical...I'm not suggesting punishing a particular playstyle...but I am suggesting providing a realistic and practical reason to communicate/share/trade for those who aren't interested in killing other survivors just for the sake of murdering people.
  2. ruggermike (DayZ)

    The supply cache

    Proposal: Provide a realistic storage option to placing tents in rocks, using a tool already in the game. Suggestion: Allow the player to utilize the entrenching tool to create a buried cache location and store items inside it, capacity to be determined by the time spent digging/creating it. (basically an invisible underground backpack) A cache can be discovered by others as a Gear menu option, but will only be accessible by those with an entrenching tool of their own. The cache disappers if left empty or unopened for a lenght of time set as a server parameter. This idea came from the fact that if you don't have a securable building to store valuable items in, survivors would do what humans have been doing since the dawn of time...they would bury the valuables that they can't/won't carry on their person...and I love the idea of players wandering around saying 'I know I put that cache right by the 2nd tree to the left of the big rock...now where is it?!?'
  3. ruggermike (DayZ)

    Loot and the zombie apocalypse cycle

    Proposal: A zombie apocalypse would follow a logical progression in regards to new zombie creation and the items those victims would be carrying. In the early stages nearly all the victims would be civilians carrying nothing of value to a survivor, and loot being found in static locations...but as time passed, a growing percentage of the new zombies would have been survivors themselves and be carrying items of worth to other survivors, resulting in less loot in static locations and more to be found on the person of the shambling undead. (this is not to suggest that the zombies would be carrying rifles, but neither would they empty their pockets or backpacks) Suggestion: introduce a server setting to allow the admin to choose the cycle setting (Early or Late), as well as a random setting that resets the loot spawn parameters at each restart. The inspiration for this suggestion is the tendency for loot locations to become predictable and farmable, and a desire to see it be more profitable to farm zombies. (with the attending risk/reward calculation and unpredictable results)