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fu55el (sks)

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Posts posted by fu55el (sks)

  1. Hello,

    we from the sks are really enjoying to play on your server. you are quite often online and server is running very smooth.

    but this morning 2 members of our clan where banned with the messages "ammo?" and "teleport?" there names where "Goliath." and "vehro" both from the sks. they where teleported and killed by 3 hackers with the clantags "UGA".

    we would really like to make clear that that no one of our members was cheating/hacking/scripting or will be in the future!

    please review the logs again and unban them. we could also join ts to tell the story in detail

    i hope we can clear up this situation and start having fun again on your server

    sry for bad grammar, english is not my native language:)

    greetings fu55el (sks)
