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Everything posted by leviski

  1. I want to know what the "55 gal drum" is going to be used for. does it contain lube?
  2. leviski

    How was your Day(Z)?

    1. How does rolling in grass camouflage your clothing? 2. if the game gets stale for you, try being a traveling trader. Like me
  3. leviski

    Helicopter crash loot respawning

    No, this is not the case. Loot only spawns once, and its at the start of the server. and does not re spawn until another restart. I have found many pilfered Heli-Crash sites.
  4. leviski

    Tacticool Squad Fights- Hacker

    This was piss poor in my opinion, you didn't even loot those guys. Karma The m4 guy deserved it, the Boonie hat guy didnt. And im not sure that was a hack, more of a bug. Ive came across servers where there were tons of those guys at that spot. I think its a bug, not a hack.
  5. leviski

    Anti tank rifles

    Nah Lets just get dat AS50 back
  6. leviski

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I really hope we see some fixed to sound, I got filled with bullets yesterday, and heard nothing.
  7. So I started a trade run today, on a fairly popular RP server, Go to berizino, and this time I was alone. No body guard. I find a guy, and quickly we trade each other for some odds and ends (I give him SKS ammo for a Mosin Compensator) For being my first Customer, I give him a Pristine Pilot helmet for free (Hey the guy was nice and helpful, sold me some info on bandits nearby) So then I walk my way down heading towards the crashed boat, only to be stopped by the same guy who needs help making a backpack, I help him and he goes on his way. I walk a few feet more and see someone running fully geared nearby, I aproach slowly (Keep in mind I am unarmed, sort of) I say, Hey! Im a trading, I travel from town to town Trading goods with people, this guy perks up and says "Ive never met a trader in dayz before, Holy crap! thats awsome!" Shortly after a guy comes over and tells us to put our hands up! this ended up being a joke and he was with the guy I was talking to. We exchange some food and bandages, and another guy comes up with a AKM dressed like a red gangster and says EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP! Now my heart jumps, and I hit some hard cover nearby, and pull out my Engraved Baller 1911, everyone else is compliant, I lean and pop 3 shots into his Center of mass BLAM BLAM BLAM! everyone starts shouting "Stop! Stop! it was a joke!" I apologize and a random guy (RPing as a german doctor) shows up randomly and starts fixing the poor guy I just shot. We talk and fix each other up, and not 1 minute later the guy I met comes over and joins the group. At this point there is about 6 of us, and the doctor wants to do a "Experiment" on the guy I gave the pilot helmet to. In short, after some papers are sighned, we give him a blood transfusion and he lives. It was a great time, and if anyone who reads this was in that group, Add me! My Steam is Leviski!
  8. leviski

    Got my first two PVP kills in dayZ today.

    Everyone always needs bullets And I need those batteries from fresh spawns. Even if, I could care less if I trade a AKM for a can of beans, the fact that im playing the role I want to play suits me and gives me alot more enjoyment out of the game. I really cant wait for Radios to actually work in-game so I can announce my trade routes, and deal with bandits, and people needing supplies, and other things.
  9. leviski

    Got my first two PVP kills in dayZ today.

    You should defenetly change that attitude to "Trading players for random loot" We need more Traveling Traders like myself.
  10. leviski

    My adventure with Jesus

    Its alot worse when you loose stuff that isnt in the game anymore because a hacker kills you.... If I get killed by a hacker in game again, when fully geared with a long liasting toon, Im done with dayz until further notice. And FFS if map hacks are still a fing thing, then im never placing a tent because the hackers will always find them. Why bother with persistence if the hackers can just find your hidden loot and steal it?
  11. leviski

    Z's all over me!

    The new Z spawning thing, works like this Zombie dies Zombie slides 10-15Ft away Zombie Re-spawns Zombie Re-aggros rinse and repeat, it is very stupid they work like this atm.
  12. leviski

    When the character wipe comes...

    Ive managed to gather all this Nice guy looking trader gear to start a trading Co. and Now im just waiting for the wipe before I get serious. Probably in a month or so, we will see this wipe.
  13. leviski

    Got my first two PVP kills in dayZ today.

    nothing to sooth your own nerves like some cowboy music,
  14. leviski

    DayZ Attack of the clones

    Walking down a road, when I see two guys fighting and many, many people around them. So I pull out my AKM, and my freind takes out his, and this toon is going for a trader playstyle, so normaly all my weapons are concealed, but I picked up this AKM with the 75 round drum and aproached them, here is what I saw. Two of the guys were killing the clones, and said something about a hacker so immediatly, I dropped some food and ran off and then logged in fear of getting hacked to death. but look at the pics! having problems with the forums, so only one pic would work.
  15. leviski

    Some thoughts after 12 hours

    Ive been playing the life of a trader, and I am glad that I have a armed body guard with me, to help oversee the trades. So far, I havent traded with a single person, because I cant find anyone. And the two people I did find where fresh, and needed food so I just gave them food. Id say alot of your suggestions are an ASAP fix, especially the damn random noises bug.
  16. leviski

    Magnum vs. 1911 which is better

    Except Jules used a 9mm STAR However, Vince used the .45 Baller +1 for the attempted reference tho
  17. what else am I to do? the dude was already going full auto on me, I had no means of escape, everytime he lost sight, he would just tp to me.
  18. I get on the forums daily I guess I fail to see the threads about hackers, well this is unnerving. Very unnerving.
  19. Character on 3rd person servers slain by hackers Well... I was in berizino with a freind, and we took down a few bandits before falling back, and a fresh spawn walks past me and says hey! Im about to go kill those bandits with some hacks, want to see? I decline and go on my way (my freind died from the bandits) Well after leaving berizino a hacker with a full auto shotgun gunned down my friend who spawned near berizino. Here is where it gets stupid, he teleports to me and clones my gun, except with infinite ammo and proceeds to shoot at me and misses Alot thankfully I had my Tactical Vest on, yes the ones that dont spawn anymore in the game, and it saved me. I yell out to this hacker to not kill me, that this character has been alive for a very long time, don't kill me with hacks. He responds "how long?" I say since the first wipe, please don't kill me with your hacks. He says okay, then teleports to me again and kills me... First time I have met a hacker on DayZ Standalone, and I am very upset for my long lasting character to loose his life in such a way. Dying on my hardcore toon to a elektro sniper that got his head stepped on is one thing, but getting gunned down to a pantless hacker? thats plain dumb.... I thought hacking wasn't a thing in the SA?
  20. leviski

    Exp Server too full

    Seriously, is everyone and their grandmother twice removed playing dayz Experimental? I haven't been able to get into one for an hour now. They should really put up some more servers in US East and UK and stop wasting resources on a Singapore server that no one can play on.
  21. leviski

    Gun jams

    Like 3 or 5 builds ago? idk awhile ago I had a pistol Jam on me, and it costed me and my freinds life. the pistol was clearly loaded, had a full magazine, and as I went to shoot the guy we were difusing with the M4, the pistol did....nothing, no click, no gunshot...just nothing. So I think it might be in, but its rare. Im not sure. Im wondering where those limp animations are from getting shot in the leg that we saw in those early dev videos before SA came out.
  22. leviski

    Mandatory use of gas mask

    One day I hope to see a modder to implement Metro/STALKER mix mash into dayz
  23. leviski


    I am beyond sad rocket wont push this on the team to put into the game.
  24. leviski

    New Idea: Soundmakers and IED's

    Awhile back they had the art assets for a Flare Duct-taped Spraypaint can rigging that was basically a IED, No idea why it hasn't been fully implemented yet.