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Everything posted by leviski

  1. leviski

    Loot glitched?

    Im not sure what you mean but there are still items everywhere you cant pick up anymore
  2. leviski


    The only way we could work around such a handicap, is to make a more efficient ground breaking "programming" of sorts that could handle the mass that is DayZ LOLOL DeadZ is actually a pirate rip-off source code steal of WarZ, which has been renamed Infestation Survivor Stories. I feel bad you are trying to play that steaming dogpile of a game but at least its free unlike what its stolen from. Man, my advice is just buy the DayZ Standalone, its miles better than anything out there.
  3. leviski


    Uhh, skimmed through this. Some of the things you want cant really be done in the game, and alot of what you want is already roughly implemented. and when I say cant be done, I mean for what this game already boasts (Massive map, random loot partial persistance) its limited by its engine. And you will never see survivor AI roaming around in the Standalone. however in the mod you can have that.
  4. leviski

    Rarest Gun In Dayz PM73 RAK

    Id say that the silenced pistol is a bit rarer if not equally rare.
  5. leviski

    Experimenting with hand held radios

    I have never gotten a response when chattering on the radio
  6. leviski

    Im soo sickk of this....<eating flesh>

    Just wait there is this new thing in the exp branch, where is you murder someone you start crying because you killed them. Or at least thats what I think happend.
  7. leviski

    Recording gameplay

    Shadowplay is amazing.
  8. leviski

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    Very nice
  9. leviski

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    Glad to see you can take constructive criticism without blowing up. This is a rare thing
  10. leviski

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    Waaaay too long of an intro that lead into something that didn't relate. Secondly you are abusing the config core file that takes away all the grass which is technically cheating, unless they made it so you can take all the grass away within the settings. was going to sub until I saw the lack of grass
  11. we used to have a block mechanic but they took that away, belive it or not you can still block but it is very hard, if your weapon is in the way of their swing they will hit your weapon instead of you. what needs to be fixed first is the TERRIBLE GOD AWFULE GARBAGE desyncy Cqc that unfols as you run in circles trying to hit each other. I dont know how many times someone with fists beat me when I had a fire axe simply because on their screen I was standing still while on my screen they were micro-suttering all over the place.
  12. leviski

    Ghillie suit and separate parts.

    The full suit, turns you into a literal chewbaka while the normal top only covers a little more than the bushrag. if You need something to stick on in tactical situations. the bush rag is the way to go. If you want full sniper bushman sneaky bush hiding powers then go full suit+hood. If you want something a little cheaper, go for the half suit. top+hood
  13. leviski

    shaking like crazy, cant stop

    I think I saw a thread awhile ago, but my guy quivers, I mean really shakes, so bad that he cant look through any optics without them jumping all over the screen, im not cold, in any pain or anything like that. anyone care to explain?
  14. leviski

    Makeshift Bow

    Creating a bow out of the wrong wood wont work. Elm, or Ash are typically the most common and easy to work with. Making a "bow" out of a random stick you found is most likey not going to work 100% of the time.
  15. leviski

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    u wot m8? Why would they remove a weapon that fits in with the game lore, and is infact one of the most common guns in the world? You can buy these irl for like 50 bucks
  16. We should definetly run depending on how much we are carrying.
  17. Yes it shows the same symbol, but it will pop up saying 87.9 hertz or something like that instead of saying direct communication
  18. leviski

    Has anyone done this in DayZ?

    Sadly no, it was on a RP server where a crazy German doctor said there was a large cache reward for whoever volunteered to his experiments. and if you survived them, then you got a big reward (Plot twist, there never was a reward and the tests were composed of sucking out your blood and swaping it with some other poor SOB)
  19. to awnswer a quick question, instead of quoting and deleting things. Yes the Walkie Talkies work now, if the chat channel wont switch hold down the < or the > ( , . )
  20. Strange, were you spamming or something? Maybe its a pre-caution to stop someone from flooding the server with pings of chat. Who knows, ive never heard of it. id submit it to the bug tracker.
  21. leviski

    The Polite Bandit

    *Tried to hold someone up* Gets scared and runs away lol
  22. Might have something to do with being cold, and even though you warmed up the game decided to leave the heebidy jeebidies inside you and to eeveryoneelse! pick up dem walkie talkies! I roam the countries in EXP calling out on the base signal, and have yet to hear a response. :(
  23. leviski

    Has anyone done this in DayZ?

    If I found a string of notes to follow, yes id try it. but the thing is, persistence seems to always f*ck up, and I think I have only ever found one note in my adventures. Would be funny to do however, just might not work in the current state of dayz
  24. leviski

    What would you tweak? My 5 Tweak Suggestions to DayZ

    I disagree with removing the blood types, and if you don't know what blood types are compatible with each other then you really didn't pay attention in school, that's basic science. Secondly, id like to see the ability to carry backpacks as well. but one feature I would really love, would be where you must take off your backpack in order to access the pack. In-fact id like to see the inventory system reworked a bit, it should be a bit more interactive pulling things out rather then going into an interface, im sure there are tons of ways to make things more immerse in this manner. To Stray off topic for a minute however, (but still slightly being on topic) with the suggestions made in this thread, and the OPs ideas. I always discuss similar things with people that join my TS channel. And literally each one of them have at once point said "Well dont you think the game will be too hard at one point and not fun" which I always reply with "Oh so you want a casual experience where everything is handed to you on a silver platter, and the only real point to the game is to shoot everything that moves?" Usually I don't get a response, but im all for making the game more complicated and advanced to a point where you really need to research things and figure it out when playing. Get a bullet wound? It should be alot more of an ordeal than putting a band-aid over the hole and calling it good after eating 30 pounds of food. Id like to see some more repercussions of getting injured. might make people think twice about going into battle for the sake of killing. And lastly ill go back to a very good point I like to bring around whenever I get on the subject of tweaking DayZ, and that is Space Station 13. The game that inpires a large amount of content that makes its way into DayZ. You see in Space Station 13, if you have never played it then you should try it, each job in the game has a specific role, and learning how to do that job is very hard (normally, being the clown isnt too hard) and once you learn how to do your job in it you can consider yourself accomplished for the fact that you learned something intricate and complicated. Now im not saying make it so damn hard to do something that its impossible to learn it without looking up an external souce "cough" "cough" crafting "cough" "cough" but some things should be increadibly complex that prove useful in dire situations, like Advanced Trauma surgery for when someone is pro-nounced dead, but there could be some intense procedure to possibly bring them back. Just my 2 cents, probably a TL:DR
  25. leviski

    Did you lose your tents recently? Watch this...

    what a dick, leave the stuff you dont want/cant carry in there. dont drop it for it to despawn.