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About crosby627

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Whats up, I'm some sort of a veteran of DayZ player that is just horrible at this game, especially alone, and since I've decided to come back to the wonderful Arma 2 mod I need some people to BRO DOWN with and help me shoot some zambies. I usually like to play on servers that are like "official" servers (meaning low vehicles and gun spawns) so I get the whole DayZ experience but I'm not adverse to just going to a 500+ vehicle pvp fest as long as we can find fun. I also like to keep the group smallish art most 5 or 6 people but most of all i want to keep it fun and try and see where the game takes me. So if your interested send me a message on Steam (Crosby627) or Skype (Crosby627) or maybe just go outside and yell Crosby627 real loud and you'll more than likely find me. Peace.