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Everything posted by Bardos

  1. Bardos

    Trading AS50

    Any specific things you want?
  2. Bardos

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam: Paradox (ID=http://steamcommunity.com/id/NoScrubs) In-Game name: Bardos Approximate Hours: 40 Specialty: I currently have access to a M107 and an M4A1 CCO SD and am skilled with both. I like to think that I am a good driver/pilot. I operate only with stealth if possible. Hit me up!
  3. Nvm I just have 4 rockets. Any offers for those?
  4. I have one. Not sure what I want for it. PM me some interesting offers
  5. So basically I have a lot of stuff to offer for an Old Bicycle. I'm a new trader with 0 murders and I hope I can earn trust. Leave a price if anyone is interested in selling a bike! Add me to talk. Add me on skype: laci.bardos3 SteamID: http://steamcommunit...d/NoScrubs/home
  6. Bardos

    Play wif me.

    Room for one more boys? Skypenameis laci.bardos3