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Everything posted by birdman

  1. birdman

    church bells attract zombies.

    I like it, it makes perfect sense and could be used for distraction.
  2. birdman

    kevlar- bullet proof vest

    I'm sure vests would be easy to loot out of police buildings or a National Guard compound (in America at least). Not sure about a former Soviet satellite. But, I think it should be a rare spawn and at least help with Z scratching at you. Armor can be something as easy as a thick leather bombers jacket though. I like it.
  3. birdman

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    I guess my reply to your overall post is that I'm a purist. I would rather stroll through the woods with no cars, planes or helicopters. To the quote above I would reply that a safety is ONE switch. My baby could do it. Don't tell me flying is easy, seasoned veterans still make mistakes. Beyond that this is not a wargame, nor should it be. We are the survivors eeking out a meager existence. This is not the RTS zombie game where we redefine civilization after zday. This is not the revenge zombie game where the people turn militant and launch an offensive against z. This is not a farm building and base constructing zombie Sim City. If another DayZ comes after this that expands the experience I will be all for it. Even Halo turned RTS eventually!
  4. This a actually a great idea in theory. It is also a crossover in a way and would be quite cool to use a smartphone to interface with a game while you're at work. But, I don't think we need alarm systems that alerts you when you are offline. Get your buddy to call you. I'm pretty sure the consensus is that there is no power in dayz, save a generator you would have to keep fueled.
  5. birdman

    Add Another Helicopter!

    Exactly! Beans for you.
  6. birdman

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    It only makes sense as all humans could be infected. Fat, skinny, white, black, young and old would all be vulnerable.
  7. birdman

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    I don't like it just because who among us can fly right now, let alone five years into an apocalyptic future?
  8. birdman

    Add Another Helicopter!

    I disagree. How many survivors of DayZ know how to fix, maintain and flay a helicopter?
  9. The whole point is if someone finds your car it's broken or destroyed. Better to hide the car.
  10. All he needs is a crowbar and your "investment" is gone. And you are missing the point, if someone finds it it will either be stolen (easily with a crowbar), stripped or destroyed. So what is the point in securing something that can't be "secured".
  11. birdman

    How to avoid Alt-F4ing

    Honestly, I go two pages into the past every day and find the same topic already covered. I'm just trying to save everyone, including myself, from reading the same argument thirty different ways.
  12. I don't want to come off as a ass but if someone finds your car they can: 1. Blow it up 2. Use a crowbar to get it anyway. 3. Steal parts off of it and make it useless. 4. Take your gas. 5. Take all of your gear out of it. Why bother?
  13. birdman

    Compatible with mac, IOS.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92035-please-make-dayz-for-mac/ <------- covered
  14. birdman

    How to avoid Alt-F4ing

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92555-altf4-and-abort-fix/ <------covered
  15. Where would you find a wheel clamp besides a towing service? Do you need a car that badly? If I saw a clamped car I would grenade the shit out of it out of principle.
  16. birdman

    Spawn next to friends???

    Just find your friends, otherwise why have zombies near spawns to make it harder, you have no weapons? Plus what is to keep a murder of trolls from spawning ten deep and having a leg up on everyone else.
  17. birdman

    Spawn next to friends???

    We should spawn alone, with as few supplies as possible, right in the middle of nowhere, unsure where you are, unsure if there are ten zeds lumbering your way and as happy and scared as fuck for the coming experience. Survive against the odds, not with them.
  18. birdman

    Taking control of a city/town

    I feel that most suggestions deal with bases, long term storage areas, building custom vehicles over time, having kids (God help us), and everything that screams real-time strategy. I feel this game should be much more tactical, that being the short term aspect. If you are hungry, eat/find food, if you are injured, use your first aid supplies then replentish your stocks. I think this game is bording on grandiose with it's possible inclusions that will just bog it down. I mean, some people are talking about farming when the average life expectancy in the Mod is just over an hour. This game is my minesweeper, not my Rome Total War. I think the standalone should be DayZ Mod 2.5, an improvement with a new engine, serious bug fixes and very few server commands -but- keep the same feel. I seem to be alone in this thinking. Things are getting kind of silly.
  19. Will the herobrine stalk us in the standalone?
  20. birdman

    Stand Alone Title

    Just: DayZero?
  21. birdman

    new chernobyl map idea

    You are the last person in the world that needs to correct grammar or spelling.
  22. I guarantee I will catch the ire of every single person on these forums, but I don't know how else to make my point. Any idea to make the game better for a disabled person should be a non-default option. Or there should be an option to disable it, if it takes away from the sense of immersion I want to feel.
  23. birdman

    Spawn next to friends???

    If it wasn't fun why would I play? The challenge is the fun.
  24. birdman

    Flashlight idea

  25. birdman

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    "Growing" food, no. I do think finding edible plants or possibly medicinal plants for curing injury/sickness could be usefull. I don't want to garden when I should be scavenging. Maybe Rocket can make a real-time strategy Dayz for this.