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Everything posted by birdman

  1. birdman

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    First person with free-look is all you need. As long as we don't swivel our heads 180 degrees and die. That way we can continue to run without slowing down.
  2. birdman

    DayZ theme Song

  3. birdman

    DayZ theme Song

    Is mine better?
  4. birdman

    ps3 for dayz

    Deutsch frauen sind verärgert
  5. birdman

    Short Campaign, Single Player Free Roam

    Question, will there be a "Boot Camp" feature for the standalone? If so, is there any way to make DayZ standalone Boot Camp just like the Arma 2 Boot Camp but with zombies? If so all you need to do is make it open ended so if someone wants to play single player DayZ they just play boot camp and then keep playing after the tutorial is complete. One reason would be to get a feel for the game, another would be an option to play when traveling and there is no wireless signal.
  6. birdman

    list of suggestions

    It's ok, the forum knew you needed more emphasis.
  7. birdman

    red cross tents

    Also, snipers will troll this tent pretty hard. That's what they do. . . Troll.
  8. birdman

    A Rapid Clotting Agent

    @TrialBySword If you are looking for good bleeding preventatives in a post apocalyptic world look no further than bleached white flour (seriously). It cakes in the wound pretty much instantly, stopping moderate to severe blood-loss and gives you an hour or so to get to either a medical facility or skilled care-giver. Also I hear tea-bags work good for stopping bleeding after a tooth extraction (again, seriously) and may be effective at stopping minor blood loss. Both of these would be way more common in the DayZ theatre. But, when an artery is severed you are pretty much dead, no matter how long you delay the inevitable.
  9. @ Zeppa Your post, I disagree. Your quote, epic.
  10. birdman

    Combining Magazines

    I searched for "reload" on the search bar. Within the first ten posts I found: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92992-id-like-to-see-possibility-to-combine-two-near-empty-shot-clips-added-to-dayz/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/88049-40-suggestions-to-improve-realism-and-immersion/ The second link under suggestion 19 has a great idea.
  11. I love your post. The perfect explanation. Play any way you want without being forced to play a certain way. Beans, good sir.
  12. birdman

    A Rapid Clotting Agent

    The American Army has pretty much done away with quick clotting agents. They have used Hemcon bandages and Quik Clot in the past but it is not used any longer. The problem was that you stop the bleeding immediately but if you couldn't get to medical care soon there was no point. The clotting agent doesn't set a would it only clots blood. After a while the clot will break away and the bleeding will start again. Or more dangerously some of the clot would move through the artery or vein and cause blood loss (compartment syndrome) to an extremity or Pulmonary Embolism (deadly). The Army now uses a tourniquet for any extremity injury regardless if an artery is cut or not. This is for three reasons: 1. Cheap 2. Effective 3. You must get to a doctor after severing or nicking an artery anyway. You can not set the wound without it being sewn shut or carterized. If you carterize an artery you end blood flow to that extremity and it will have to be amputated or it will turn gangrenous. Only a doctor has the skill to properly stitch an artery as the psi of blood through an artery is enough to shoot 30ft if the conditions are right. All first aid for bleeding requires delaying exsanguination until the patient can be transported to a medical facility. That won't happen in dayZ unless you include some sort of doctor class (which would suck).
  13. Weather patterns move according to the jet stream and move almost exclusively from west to east (with some northern and southern drift).
  14. birdman

    water from the sea

    Somewhere deep inside you have to know that the limits of desalinization animation is squating over a fire and stirring (maybe). And with their talks of removing third person what would be the point? Looking at a fire animation (first person) that repeats every five seconds. Stirring the exact same way over and over again because a twenty minute long unique animation would require it's own hard drive. Waiting for a half hour or longer, locked into a cutscene until water reaches boiling point then evaporates. That is not good. I would be for setting up water traps perhaps. Plastic over a hole with plant material inside with a container in the middle for collecting evaporation through condensation, but not if I have to find each individual piece of the trap and harvest plant material to feed it. I think you need to go camping. =]
  15. birdman

    Milk a cow!

    apache25 did you get another account?
  16. birdman

    water from the sea

    How about a "purification kit" that does it all instead of another random belt tool.
  17. birdman

    water from the sea

    If you read to the bottom I said I don't have a problem with a simple purification process after collection. Although less realistic clicking "purify water", no matter the source of the water to the outcome of clean water, is better than sticking a pH strip in it or finding chlorine tablets (although chlorine tablets are the fastest, safest option). I agree all standing water should be purified of salt or bacteria or whatever else. But, I'm not going to spend my time finding supplies to purify water, to drink water, then to start again finding purification items before I dehydrate again.
  18. birdman

    water from the sea

    Trimming your toenails so you don't crack them to the quick and cause an infection. Trimming your hair and beard so you don't catch lice. Bathing so you don't get prickly heat rash or get sick. Sleeping. Cleaning your teeth to avoid tooth decay. Doing preventative maintenance on your weapons to prevent rust. Emptying magazines to decompress springs to prevent feeding difficulties. Drying out your equipment after swimming or rain. Ant, snake or spider bites. Nursing sickness such as cold's, flu and others. There are lots of things we can add, but why? NO! I don't want to fear death because my character rolled his ankle on a root or stone. I don't want to get sick because I haven't bathed or washed my hand before I eat. Do you really believe the more variables thrown in the better? What if you tweak your back when you bend over to loot a backpack? Do you have to stay crouched until you find some ibuprofen? Army wisdom (KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid). I would be for a system where you simply click "collect water" (from a valid source) and "purify water" (if needed) as options. The second used if you collect water from a stagnant source and must boil it or an ocean and must desalinate it. It should take time, but looting for iodine tablets, a pot, fire, plastic, collection bins, a reverse osmosis filter etc to make drinkable water is just silly and will piss even you off after a while. It should take time but the only animation should be a pot on a fire considering you have a fire, a pot and water. EDIT: Fix your goddamn thread tags to "water" not "wather". Why bother tagging if it's spelled wrong?
  19. birdman

    water from the sea

    This process you linked requires a "special apparatus". You won't have it.
  20. birdman


    Being punished if you leave to escape death is one thing. This sounds like being punished to leave at all. I don't have that kind of time.
  21. Cat foot bicycle kick, Liu Kang style.
  22. birdman

    deleted fellas

    I want my dude to have syphillis.
  23. birdman

    Full controller support for standalone Day Z (to Rocket)

    Better would be waiting for a custom keyboard cover or "zboard" for dayZ. http://t1.gstatic.co...TatL-7KmxUYlunF EDIT: No pun intended, it's called a zboard.
  24. birdman

    Playergroups for teams

    Any type of marker on the map should be discouraged. The only marker I would ok is marking your current location (as if with a pencil) if you currently have a map in your inventory. If you lose the map you lose the markers. But whatever the case, makers should be static. On a different level the Army's next evolution of WIN-T may have GPS trackers for each soldier that can be tracked by a team leader. The map they use will be like a tablet. However, these things are not realistic in the world we play in. So real time tracking of other players, friend or foe, is too powerful. Better would be the option for your character to shout or signal if lost, not track them on your iPad.
  25. birdman

    Advanced basebuilding (levels)

    So a level is about 10ft? Let's see, that is 115 total hours to build an 80ft deep subterranean base (not just an 80ft hole). Impressive. . .