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Everything posted by Thibrockr

  1. Thibrockr

    Solid group of 6 looking for new guys

    Also, my skype is Thibrockr and my steam is Kakon, anybody feel free to hit me up with an invite if you want to play in the meantime :)
  2. Thibrockr

    Solid group of 6 looking for new guys

    I'd be interested. 19 from the US (louisiana area) been playing about a month now completely geared up just having trouble finding an actual group of guys to stick with. I've got ts, skype all that good stuff hope you guys consider me and thanks.
  3. Hey guys on about day 16 with my guy and its been interesting so far. Been in and out a few groups and pretty much everyone around my is dead and gone now so i'm looking for a permenant group of people actually looking to play the game, no get geared up then go on a killing spree. I'm very anti-bandit (unless it's self defense of course) and would like to find a vehicle as starters. My skype name is Thibrockr and steam name Kakon. Just send me an invite if you'd have me on your team much appreciated :)
  4. Thibrockr

    Medic looking for fellow survivors

    I'd love to jump in if you guys aren't full just yet my skype is Thibrockr just msg me if you'd have me.
  5. Thibrockr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guys just wanted to thank Triton for the blood transfusion. The help was much appreciated and feel free to ask if you guys would ever need some help in return.
  6. Thibrockr

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam ID: Thibrockr In-game ID: Alek Approx. Hours: Nost sure, been playing every day for roughly 3 weeks now Specialty/ Skills: I'm ok at navigating through a larger city, good driver and decent with my m4a1
  7. Thibrockr

    Recruiting 4 players [EU] and [US] only

    Aside from the previous comments i'm actually interested in the group mentioned above so if you'd have me just pm me, thanks
  8. I'd like to start up a small to medium sized group of survivors. The plan would be to find a lower populated server to act as our base of operations, gear ourselves up and get some vehicles. I have gameplay experience already so players new and old alike would be welcome.
  9. Also i'm willing to prove my trustworthiness to you in any way necessary but we are an anti-bandit and anti-hack group, as we also will not unnecessarily kill other players