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About roark

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  1. Any help here? Having the same issue even after reinstalling ARMA 2/DayZ. Is there a key on my keyboard that may be triggering this? There's no way to play this game enjoyably without changing my controls scheme slightly. UPDATE: I have tried a different keyboard, reinstalling ARMA 2/DayZ, uninstalling/reinstalling keyboard driver, and I'm STILL having the same issue in ARMA 2 AND DayZ. Good thing I got Farcry 3 yesterday, because this is enough to make me stop playing. It has to be a simple issue because I've been playing for months and I've never had this issue until about a week ago.
  2. I have tried both overwriting an existing profile and creating a new one. The config's are not set to read-only, but I'm still have the same issue even after reinstalling ARMA 2. I'm starting to think it's hardware related and I have pressed some combination of keys to make this happen. I basically can't input a control without it being "2x control." No idea what the deal is here.
  3. So, I am trying to change my controls in DayZ after a reinstall for various reasons. I was able to change my controls before, but now when I go to the control config screen and click on an action, "2x" is flashing so anything I push is logged as "2x Shift or whatever." Not only that, but it will not allow me to then save the control because it keeps flashing and logs the next keypress and adds it to the control list. It does this for every single action. Is there a key stuck down on my keyboard that I'm not aware of? Can I manually change the controls in a config file somewhere? Please let me know what I'm overlooking here before I reinstall Arma 2!
  4. The new custom vehicle crashes are pretty cool. Gives you more to look for when flying around in these heli's I've been finding.
  5. I will only play on =ADK= servers. The 24/7 Admin monitoring is no joke. Once you play here you will never go back.
  6. roark

    DayZ...An unexpected pleasure

    I, too, have yet to make a kill in this game. Perhaps it's because my first encounters with people in this game all went really well. The very first person I found in this game helped me out with a transfusion, gave me a bunch of medical supplies, killed a bandit that was sniping me from a rooftop, and slipped away into the woods. That was pretty impressive. He saw that I was in need (I didn't even have a mic at the time) and helped me out big time. The next few people I encountered were quick to shout "friendly" and we just passed right by each other. I have a delayed reaction now when dealing with other players much to my disadvantage. I allow them too much opportunity to ventilate me before I can even raise my weapon, which has happened on several occasions (all by ghillies). To fix this I'm going to do some bandit hunting after I find some more ammo. Good to hear that you're helping others just the way I was helped.
  7. roark

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    I've been looking for a decent group! Steam ID: king of krunk In-Game ID: RoaRk Hours: 40 Specialty/Skills: Medic/Hunting/Surveying I'm East Coast U.S. (NY) Age: 23 Add me!
  8. I'm looking for a reliable/trustworthy survivors that are getting tired of lone wolfing it. I'd like to set up a camp somewhere and start searching for better gear. From our camp HQ we can look for some vehicles or crash sites only dipping in to town if it's absolutely necessary. I have 0 kills in this game (I have a problem with delayed KOS), so perhaps we could do some bandit hunting as well. We have some work cut out for us. I am currently armed (primary and secondary) with some good medical gear, no food, plenty of drinks, and a half-full toolbelt. I'm 23 and living on the East Coast of the US (NY). I usually play evenings and nights and the occasional mornings. This doesn't need to be anything serious, just some casual goal setting. PM me or reply if this sounds like something you'd like to do or you are a clan member that would like to have me.
  9. I'm in need of a tranfusion (I have the blood and more to give to my doctor). I'm holed up in the Southern airfield by Cherno. PM me if your available and I'll send you my details. THANKS!!!
  10. roark

    Blood Not Regenerating?

    That's what I figured. Man. I'm in some serious need of medical assistance and I thought this goat hunt would help. Back to the deer stands I guess.
  11. Hey all, I've been lurking these forums since I began playing DayZ, which hasn't been long. I picked up the game last week because curiosity has now gotten the best of me. What a game! So, I've just ran for the hills after dropping a goat and gathering some wood/matches. My health is(was) incredibly low (flashing red), so I built a fire to cook my raw meat. I quickly consumed the first steak with a coke expecting to see some color come back to my screen and my blood monitor go slightly more to the green. It, however, did nothing. No color change on screen and the blood monitor went clear. No green, no red. Clear. Thinking this was a glitch of some sort I downed another cooked steak, and still nothing. Is there some blood regeneration time now? Do I need to disconnect and reconnect to see my health has come back up? What's the deal here? Anyone? Thanks.