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About IceAxe

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    On the Coast
  1. IceAxe

    Camouflage Nets For Vehicles

    In real world situation the people would take and hide all good stuff, and in this game/mod there should be no exceptions, because it is a apocalypse SIMULATION. I approve of the camo net( in editor under empty->objects(military)->camo...). Stop complaining about people "hoarding" vehicles because if you are smart then you would know that, the clans store their stuff into trucks and other vehicles...so if you find their vehicle which should not be such problem in 16x16km area(which can be even smaller if you know where to look), then you are in a BIG +, you have fully functional vehicle with lots of loot. The only thing which should happen to vehicles is degradation of mobility because of weather(tires getting rotten, engine failing because of bad spark plugs, ). Respawning of vehicles is load of crap.
  2. Hey i got one idea, the story which inspired me is(if you don't want to read this just skip next few lines). Today I finally got some good gear after 10 days of "surviving", after looting I decided to move away from airfield into forest. When suddenly every player on server was teleported to the middle of the ocean. Sadly everyone was killed from fall, including me. Probably i won't play game again for days, because it was my third time getting killed by a F#$%#$"#%$#%%$!"# scriptkiddy( who definitely should be teleported into the middle of ocean in RL) and i died 3 times since i started playing dayZ( note: never died by any other cause than by an fat ass idiot with no F***** regard to its OWN SAFETY). First time i got shoot with silenced M4 in the back(scriptkiddy teleported right behind me). Second time i got killed on spawn 5km away from my death again by the same guy( he teleported again behind me ). I know it will be very hard to solve completely the problem with hackers because arma engine is very trusting to information which comes from clients. This rollback idea should at least prevent hackers from doing basic stuff. Now the idea is fellowing if something "unnatural" happens on server like teleport( The constrains should be set if player moved in one second interval more than 100 meters when on bare foot then rollback, if in vehicle and moved more than 500m in one second then rollback,... i am giving here only the example how to detect this kind of behaveur ) or illegal weapon spawn or any other "illegal" stuff the server should automatically rollback the "affected" character state before the event. This would prevent the hackers teleporting themselfs behind you and even prevent you being teleported to the ocean or in the air... EDIT: one more thing...i never created tent in dayz but i got the idea how to prevent the hackers from finding the tents same for vehicles...tents should only spawn/create when players are 400m around and despawn when no one is near. This would lower the chance of finding the tents in one sweep from 100%(250km^2) chance to 0.013%(0.032 km^2) chance to find them with ESP hacks. If i am not mistaken(bit of rusty with arma scripting language) these variables about tent locations(and loot information) same for teleport guard, can be defined locally, only on server, so the hackers can't change them via public vars(yeah trusting engine).