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Everything posted by SaiYan

  1. all my friends are away, and its boring on your own! so if anyones up for a few hours of play, comment here :D would rather a uk person, but as long as your english is good it doesnt matter :)
  2. yoo, i'm from the uk, just started back this last week, if you wanna team up message me your skype and i'll add you up :)
  3. if somebody would be kind enough to come give me some help, it would be much appreciated! give us a pm and we can sort out how to meet :) thanks in advance!
  4. and no, its not a trap, i fell down the stairs after me an my mate tried escaping from zombies aha.
  5. i'm just by balota if thats any help?
  6. Yo, just started playing DayZ and got the hang of it, but as you all know its hard on your own and that. So i'm looking to get a group going! I'm from the uk, but dont mind anyone tagging along if you can understand an speak decent english! reply here or by pm :)
  7. i've only been playing a few days and i've just managed to get good stuff and i stupidly fell off a building when i was being chased! was wondering how long does it take for it to heal?
  8. i'm still on a top of a building.. so its gunna be hard to crawl to one ^^
  9. ahhh bummer! dont have one of them, no other way then?
  10. SaiYan

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    i'm about to go on if anybody is up for joining me? ps, how do you chat? ( you can tell i've only played for an hour :P )
  11. SaiYan

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    i've just started playing tonight and looking for a few people to play with! i've had amazing luck and found a decent weapon straight away! i'm also from the uk and can be on at 5pm! i have a turtle beach headset for the ps3 which i think will work with my comp so i'm good to go :)