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Everything posted by Steelpoint

  1. Server: sg#500([vet][gmt+8] multiplay :: vg dayz server Time: Aprox 8:30 pm GMT+8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After having a wild adventure involving stealing a helicopter parked near the beach, (I'm 95% sure that it was hacked in as it was fully repaired and fulled) and ending up stranded in the middle of nowhere I began to secure my self with provisions (The Helicopter was either stolen again or was despawned). Skipping forward a while I was in the middle of the arduous task of repairing an ATV with only a Einfield and M1911, going back and fourth over the course of several hours between towns and the ATV. While I was hauling off the last bits of supplies to repair the ATV I noticed my Einfield had grown a scope. Upon further inspection I found that I was holding an AS50 with 6 magazines! After securing my position on top of a nearby Forrest mountain I discovered that I was somehow carrying top tier high end gear, NVG, GPS, medical supplies, Ghillie suit, etc. Suddenly an unknown individual teleported in front of me, I calmly went prone and disconnected thinking this person was a hacker. Upon rejoining the server about 5 minutes later I discovered that person was no longer at my location. However my mind went back to the ATV I had been slaving over for several hours and I rushed back up the mountain to inspect it's condition, barring the fact I had lost all my Jerry Cans and other supplies I had been carrying. I discover to my dismay that the ATV is gone (It had only an engine part left to repair), as well as a nearby tent and another broken down ATV. Still shocked at the loss of several hours of work I was suddenly teleported to a farmhouse along with the entire server's population, very quickly gunfire breaks out and the kill feed starts rising dramatically, I was able to jump into a bush and hide there with my Ghilie suit while I attempted to abandon the server. I was finally able to fumble my way to the disconnect button and was able to leave the server with my life intact. Upon rejoining the same server several minutes later (wise decision?) I was back at the same location I was before the teleport incident, however I still have this person's inventory. I discover however that my new backpack is empty dispite my self knowing that it was full when I looked in it before hand. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TL:DR: A Hacker result's in my inventorie being swapped out with high end equipment, soon the entire server is teleported to a single location where the majority seem to have been killed in the ensuring gun fight.
  2. Steelpoint

    Logged in and Gun was gone!

    Funny thing happened to me, my gear was swapped out from an Einfield to an AS50 and other high end equipment. Not long after however everyone was teleported to a farm house, you can guess what happened.
  3. Helicopters are not as armoured as you would think, a few well placed rounds from an assault rifle or sniper can seriously damage or cripple a helicopter. Besides stingers would be a highly situational item to carry around, the only time they would be useful is if you know you are going to encounter a helicopter.
  4. Steelpoint


    The Helicopter were recently readded back into DayZ. Their spawns have changed and their radar ability was removed.
  5. I found a fully repaired and fulled helicopter on the beach not long after I spawned. Wierd place to find a chopper. I was not the only person to notice this however as someone else was running to grab the chopper, but I was able to kill them with my hatchet.
  6. Steelpoint

    Australian Servers

    There are plenty of Australian and New Zealand based servers, I would say under a dozen at best, and I have encountered no lag related problems with them, however they tend to be full most of the time.