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About shiftehhh

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    On the Coast
  1. I was waiting for my friends to get back to the their bodies by elektro but i knew they were rather open and people might loot them so i just chilled in the bushes near them. I wasn't paying attention to them and was reading an argument in chat when this guy starts typing "LOOK ITS AN AKM OMG AND AMMO." and i thought to myself.. my mate had one of those.. maybe.... i looked and there were 3 guys looting them. Popped all three and stayed in the tree line. More survivors came, killed in total 5 before my mates got their stuff back. Felt cheap doing it but that was days and days worth of loot we had gathered.
  2. shiftehhh

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday evening i was setting out like any other to meet up with my friends who were on the move off of the south coast to head north in search of the spoils it holds. I had a lot of ground to cover and had to go past both major cities cherno and elektro.. i knew this was going to be dangerous as you get so many bandits around there along with 'rogue' survivors but i needed to hook up with my team. As i enter into the woods above cherno i spot 6 or perhaps 7 survivors moving through the forest, i type 'friendly?' even call it out, as soon as i called it out they all dropped to their feet.. I began to enter 'battle mode' realising i may have to confront these guys head on as i was just the one survivor and they had the numbers. I get out my rifle, calling again, are you friendly? No reply, but they must of heard it on the the chat, they were looking for me. I decide to just give away my position i stand, lower my weapon and shout im over here east of you.. needless to say i was met with a barrage of gun fire, i scream friendly but i was met with the screams of pistol and winchester fire. 'I'm not going down easy' i thought to myself.. i called out one more time im friendly but will open fire if they don't stand down.. more gun fire and i can see two flanking. I opened up on them, dropped the 2 flanking like they were zombies in a barn. Turned my attention to the remaining 4/5 ahead, the trees around my being spat at with bullets, they were shooting wildly, chaotic and reckless. I fire a third shot from my winchester, then silence. As i crawl though the undergrowth changing positions they open up again, i wait until im in a decent position to get the rest or at least take a few down with me, I peak out and there they are.. a big clump of them, it was easy shooting, i just pumped a full load into them all, i couldnt miss, they were all huddled together. After i fired my last shot there was silence, i reloaded and fired a few more, just to tag and kill any hiding in the bodies on the floor.. i then cautiously move over to them weapon raised. I call over to them asking if anyone was alive and needed help. Then much to my surprise.. "Yes im bleeding out, and have no bandages - dont shoot. Please." He walked out from behind a tree and walked towards me weapon holstered. I raised my rifle, as my breath slowed for a second, i fired. He fell to the floor, dead. After killing 7 survivors in self defence i am now a bandit. I now hunt anything i can find, stalking and eliminating whatever it is i come across, only leaving people with basic equipment alone. That engagement has left me bitter and betrayed by other players, after being killed so many times by survivors saying they were friendly and then to be attacked by 7 guys.. that was the last straw. But it also made me aware of my skills as a marksman. I want to go back to being a survivor but i fear once you're a bandit its hard to get out of it as everyone now wants you dead.
  3. shiftehhh

    Your Definition of Self Defence?

    I tried to never shoot a survivor, i wanted to be a 'white knight' and just kill bandits and helping the week.. but after constantly being killed by survivors after being told they were friendly has made me trust no one. I now almost always shoot on sight, sometimes i use voice comms to alert them first and to guide them away from me but as im normally meeting my friends down by the beaches you've just gotta deal with some people effectively and accurately. No room for kindness when you've got a fully packed alice pack with blood, maps, knifes, food, ammo, etc. and you've got an m4.