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Everything posted by SurvivorOsian

  1. SurvivorOsian

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    The aim of this post is two-fold. Firstly, i am tring to find a player that i met tonight (my first proper session on this game) "adz" from a uk server. But also, i want to let people know there are at least two new players out there who are "friendly". A steep mountain towers ahead of me, with the sea behind. I have no fucking clue where i am, im guessing this is how most players feel upon spawning. Im pondering which direction to go when a female survivor jogs accross my screen. FUUUCK, now ive watched dayz survival guides and the main thing i took from them is, if someone sees you, they will break your leg and leave you to die or just flat shoot you in the face. I jump behind a bush, and watch. She's spinning round and crouching and doing sprints. Noob, I reckon. I'll say something. Hey, you just spawn? Wanna play together? I type. No response. I step out in front of her, and type again, now its obviously me typing. Still no response. After several minutes i deduce that this player cant type back, but can receive my messages. We establish a system, nod for yes shake for no. Do you know how to chat? He spins from side to side. Hey, if you hold alt, you can just move your head. I typed. You just started? She nods, this time just with her head. After trying for ten minutes to resolve the chatting issue, we decide to just move off. He can see my messages, but she can only convey yes and no to me. Oh Well, better than being on my own. We climb the mountain and see a small village in the valley below. I tell him I'm going down to check the road sign to find out where we are. I sneak up infront of it and study it for a few seconds, then i turn to my new companion. "Lol jk, i cant read this shit" i say. I hope that lightens the mood, but his nodding cant really convey what he made of my attempt at humor. Soon after, we're in a farm warehouse. Theres obviously an enfield in the corner, we have both seen it. I expect him to sprint towards it. Nothing, he looks at me. I propose that i take the gun, having played a little before it might be our best chance. He nods. Are you sure? i ask again, incase we misunderstood eachother. He nods again. I dont know if she meant it to happen, but now i feel responsible for both our lives. This is the second time ive held an enfield in this game, but this time it felt heavier. Next up, lets move along and get some supplies, slowly we move up the other side of the large valley. When we're safely in the treeline i beckon. We group under the cover of a large pine. Lets sort this chat out! i type. "Im gonna check online" i say, keep me covered. I offer the rifle and the few remaining bullets. She declines, content with a hatchet. Its only after ive presses ctrl escape and loaded up the forum looking for a solution that i realise just how vulnerable i am right now. Self confessed AFK would surely be suicide with some of the characters that can be found in this game! The forum has a number of threads about the exact problem we're having. crap. No immediate solutions found. I go back in and explain the problem. An understanding nod is given. Should we check out the radio antenna up there? A rapid nod is given. Great! i say. We look around, nothing. I had to shoot two zombies, and nothing! i have three bullets left, and nothing! Bollocks. I look around, where's adz? i round the corner of the radio building, hes there axing a body and loking at me. What is it? I realise its a dead survivor as i close in, I know adz didnt kill him, so im a liitle concerned for our safety. I rach in to loot him. An ALICE pack, im pretty sure thats good. its full of supplies, jackpot! I quickly gather its contents, telling adz that we should grab this stuff and split it up somewhere safe, whoever shot this guy could still be around. We divide up the loot under the cover of a couple of trees, blood packs, bandages, plenty of food and drink and some tools. And a pistol, its the older M9, (like the M1911 or something), i put it into adz's backpack along with half of the supplies just found. I think we should drink now, i say. Do you know how to? He shakes his head, i explain the use of bags and inventories. A few seconds later, the pistol is in his hands and hes reloaded it. I figure hes worked it out. Lets move. Before, we leave i type, im really enjoying this game! He nods fervently in reply. As we move off, a weird chime rings. And my screen goes completely black. So this is night, ok. We both adjust to our new setting. Im apprehensive about our survival chances now, but we plow on towards a small petrol station we spotted from the hilltop. Crawl, i say. We cant afford to alert these zombies. I only have three shots. We make it into the garage. I Close the far door,adz follows my lead and closes the rear door. We scan the floor for items. Nothing worthwile. Lame. I check through my inventory. As I close my bag/gear, theres a loud crack, adz falls to the floor. What the fuck?!?! It takes my a few seconds to register that i shot my enfield as i left the menu. I can only hope that it was just a flesh wound, i rush to his side. As i do, theres a scream from outside the door. Fuck!! I cant tell if hes still alive? They're in. I shoot my last two bullets too quick. Only one zombie down. I know i have to get my hatchet out, but im still fumbling with the menu as the fourth makes it inside. They begin to attack adz. Im still not sure wether hes dead or not, but im adamant that they cant eat him, either way. I am swinging like a maniac as more zombies enter through the other door. The first i know of this is the thud and screen shake i revieve from behind. Im unconscious almost immediately. And dead within another 10 seconds. The You Are Dead screen fades in. I cant believe it. It all ended so abruptly, and i felt like i had massively let down a friend. Adz, a player i met on the shore over three hours ago, had shown me true cooperation and made my game incredibly enjoyable. All without the ability to chat/type. Hopefully if adz finds this post, we can haave another game some time. Thanks for reading,
  2. SurvivorOsian

    Finding Servers

    just look for one with a time alteration. i tend to play on gmt-4 so i can play late with it still being daytime
  3. SurvivorOsian

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    Hey guys, i think steam will be the best way to orchestrate a new player meet up. Message me your steam name and ill add you to the group . Eric, i cant find your tag on steam.
  4. SurvivorOsian

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    Hey guys, definitely up for trying to meet some more new players tonight. Would the best way to meet up be adding eachother on steam prior? Osian
  5. SurvivorOsian

    Looking for a Team/Group

    Hey, Im 23 male from uk. I started a thread, thats transforming into something similar to this. Would be glad for you to play with us. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91580-a-dead-end-but-a-new-friend/
  6. SurvivorOsian

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    Hey guys, its great to hear from people looking to group up! I will be playing tomorrow around 5pm (british time) but i will come back on these forums prior to see if we can organise a group of new starters! Osian Also, thats a pretty cool story about cherno. I only ever read nightmare stories of roaming bandit groups!
  7. SurvivorOsian

    [[Gaming PC]]

    add to that post. Beware posting shit like this in hardcore pc game forums. You will get a hoard of people calling you an idiot for not building one yourself for "much cheaper" and much "more powerful".
  8. SurvivorOsian

    [[Gaming PC]]

    I have the x51 second to top of the range, got it two weeks ago, and it plays brilliantly. It runs max settings at great fps. It was from the UK, but i expect the specs are the same. Also, Check out my post. I spent a while writing it and would like it to be viewed by at least a few people. Thanks http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91580-a-dead-end-but-a-new-friend/
  9. SurvivorOsian

    Any tips on how to find trustworthy people?

    I just started playing and found a great teammate/survivor. with no mic and no ability to type (glitch) and we played together for ages, trusting eachother fine. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91580-a-dead-end-but-a-new-friend/