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Everything posted by paulemaule

  1. paulemaule

    Banned for nothing

    hi guys, my problem is that i got banned for nothing, im i livestreamer and i started the game dayz and logged into a server.. asfter the loading there was a error "global bann 3065" so can someone of you help me pls? I wanna stream today dayz and my fans are waiting. Thx
  2. paulemaule

    Banned for nothing

    i play this game for 3 weeks and i didnt now if i take a hacker weapon s what is this shit here i hope one of you guys from battle eye read this!
  3. paulemaule

    Banned for nothing

    yes sure i write beore 1 hour battle eye an mail about my problem but they didnt contakt me or give me an mail bag so this is fucking shit! (sry) man im a streamer and why the hell im getting banned for nothing! this pissed me off man