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Everything posted by psvita

  1. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    hahahahahaha As for Opposite2u maybe ill make a case about you cheating and then plaster it on every forum and then see how many bans you get once they know you and your 'heavily edited' youtube video is bullshit. Ive been nice, cant be bothered anymore - a cunt is a cunt, thats the problem with wankers who think the world owes them a favor. oh and the first person to report my swearing can have some beans... I bet you cant wait to press that button, feel the power!
  2. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    Have you not read the thread? Server will go offline as we are not funding it next month.... If you want to ensure this happens, keep checking the server lists I really doubt a company would want to keep hosting a server they are not getting payment for.... as it stands id assume you just want to waste someones time in getting the server disconnected, when in reality its hardly the worst one out there and if I was really petty I could make a case against you as a player(s) But im not, I dont actually care - ive apologised if we got it wrong, its a game.... infact if you are that anal about this stuff, id suggest renting your own server.. dosent cost much, even if you rely on mummy and daddy to fund you, its $30 which is like £22 not life or death by any means.
  3. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    I dont have a problem with being 'called out' as you put it. The plain and simple fact is, I could have not even bothered replying to this thread, I didnt have to type up 'our thought process' and I didnt have to apologise. But I have done all those things off my own back. Its a learning process, as stated we dont care if we are killed in game... thats part of it all, and in this case if we are wrong then im happy to learn from the mistakes made and become a better admin for it. What I dont appreciate is 'random' forum posts trying to incite on this thread, as 1) the OP deserves more respect than having his complaint derailed and 2) as a admin attempting to be honest and explain what went on from our point of view, it dosent help having people come in and look to gain kudos or whatever for flaming an admin. (This is not directed at you CheeseMelon but at previous posters who have contributed nothing). Thats me done (unless the OP wants to ask something specific) other than that, as stated 2954 is due to go offline (99% certain) and if we are looking to admin another server then we can learn from this and take it forward.
  4. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    This post adds what to the discussion?
  5. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    Maybe, I cant verify that or not - im sure the lads in question will say that and as im a trusting person id take their word for it. But at the time, it wasnt just knowing where I was, it was the blatant copying of my zig zag towards a building ie I moved away in a zig zag pattern, the player followed me in that pattern and only stopped once I got so far and past a building.... idk. As for the server settings, as mentioned we didnt get the control of them so we had to just go with what the other guy had put... one of the reasons we will run it as a 2 in the future as we can get that control. Im not making excuses, just trying to put our point across in how we felt at the time of the incident - all you can do as an admin is make a judgement call, we tried our best to 'contact' them using the admin chat in game, its not perfect but we did what we did. Ive apologised and hope the lads affected can continue to enjoy their dayz experience on whatever server they choose to play on.
  6. psvita

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    Rush Crush, UK Mac - id say stay out of this, you weren't there and you are just taking the side of some 'edited' video. At least get the full facts before coming in and waving your willys around. Anyway on topic, I was the player that survived this attempt.... let me begin by saying there is no admin abuse on the server, infact we have died 10s of times since having it up, even to blatant cheaters in the past and just started again and licked our wounds and got on with it. Experience taught us that cheaters could be stopped, but ill get on to that later. Lets start from the beginning, one of the server admins invited these guys to our server on a friendly basis... said we would let them setup a base there and even put together the GAZ for them, yes thats right we collected the materials and got the car running to hand over to them in Cherno. They knew this before joining, well im sure they knew they were getting a vehicle. Now onto the scenario above, me and another player were happily driving along in our lorry (URAL or whatever its called) and then the game glitched, the truck the size of that got stuck on a random leaf, you probably had that and yes its annoying, you put in the effort to get it running, fill it with goods and then the game bugs out and the front wheels are wrecked by a leaf. OK we thought fair enough game sucks, but get on with it. Then we had contact initially we knew it was trouble as these guys obviously had tracked us so were where in the disadvantage but as ive said before we have gone through this previously and come off worse and just get on with it. Then our other admin joins and says, these guys are friendly they are the ones we invited in... so we relaxed off and bang one of us went down. Now we were a little miffed, but given the benefit of the doubt we assumed that they didnt know we were the guys who were going to help them out to start off (OK im not saying forever there wouldnt have been combat between us, but initially we were prepared to hold arms and help them setup with a car etc) Anyway, so im left and this is where things get iffy, and the full video is not actually shown... I get tracked through the woods and im talking they cant see me (as they show in some parts of this video) but my path is followed exactly by one of the players... now im not going to state categorically that they used a cheat ie Dayz Navigator BUT having experienced cheaters, abusers, glitchers etc you are naturally suspicious when something like this happens. Remember im on the end of a stalking and I go along way from the truck, circling round etc and all the time my path is tracked to a tee' At this point we send out a admin message, no response...our other admin says he can try to talk to you, so you yes you are kicked. You rejoin, we try again with a message, this time im tracked and hit and yes its annoying... but we have 2 options - 1st is we have 2 guys coming up behind 1 guy who we 'believed' was using the tracking system (be it dayz navigator etc) so we could have killed and probably got the other one. 2nd is we message again but no response and based on what we believed was going on we decided that a kick/ban was the only way to go. Rightly or wrongly its for us to decide, not randoms on the forum - none of their business, the OP yes im glad you posted this, your video looks good for you and watching it objectively part of me thinks we came to the wrong conclusion but we didnt have that evidence to hand at the time and all we had was the offer to you of admin chat and the posting of our TS server. As for the server itself, moan, groan, kill it, bin it - do whatever, we have parted ways with one of the admins and have decided to move to a UK/EU setup as this is where we are based. Unfortunately he is the one who can check the scripts etc and can see who is cheating, we dont ahve that control so relied on information and have decided that this is not good enough for us as the 2 you contacted me and the other player, are experienced gamers and are fair (although you might not think it) we just have had alot of griefers on the server and as I say we had to use our judgement on this one, with some evidence that we can muster and believe me it was a absolute last resort that you guys were kicked and banned (your video lasts for 15 mins or so) the actual scenario must have gone on for 30mins, so its not like we insta kick and insta ban... IF we were like that, the minute you killed our first man you would have been banned, you weren't as we wanted a fair combat and we wanted you guys to be a part of the server community. So apologies to you and your mate, try and see our view of things, its hard to explain unless you are in that situation as admins but believe me when I state if we didnt have info to suggest or believe something dodgy was going on (and again let me reiterate im not calling you cheaters, we could have acted overly suspicious as people do sometimes.. its called being human) then you couldh ave had that truck and rode off into the sunset with it and we would have even given you the GAZ as well as there are no grudges held. As I say feel free to play in the server, its likely to die off at the end of its 30 day term anyhow as we want more control and hopefully that means scenarios like this wont crop up again.