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Everything posted by weemadando

  1. Everyone just calm down. This is a mod of ArmA2, where I died during cutscenes and broke the game due to bad ai pilots, explosive events and more. Being killed while loading? I should be so lucky.
  2. Can we have less threads complaining about the big ole nasty mean bandits killing everyone? Or people be untrustworthy? Or getting backstabbed? How about you be a bit more careful? You're giving survivors a bad name by failing to survive. I'm not saying you have to shoot first, I'm saying you have to *SEE* first and go from there. Find concealment, stop, look, listen, keep looking and listening and then look and listen some more. Then move on. Don't run around like an idiot and become just another 28 minute wonder.
  3. weemadando

    Universal "First Contact" Protocol.

    Yeah, putting yourself in a position to have the drop on them or be able to exfil quietly, then giving some misleading info to test reactions is a winner. Often this can take multiple steps, each time assessing the response and looking out for any flanking forces or snipers before committing to a meet. Only one player made it to the meet stage so far and that was me being relatively desperate and needing to risk it in Cherno. Thanks to Panatox for proving trustworthy. Many others I've watched for anything from 1-15 minutes trying to judge if it's safe to even initiate a contact. I'm playing stealthily. If it means hiding in long grass and dumping my pack temporarily to reduce my silhouette then I'll do it and let you pass by. But be sure that I've got a M9SD on your dome. Thus far I've managed to not kill another player and only needed to cap a dozen or so zombies simply by being cautious and stealthy.