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Impulse 9

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Everything posted by Impulse 9

  1. This thread is for US 3/4 discussions/donations. I am currently hosting the US3 and US4 servers on my host in New York, Servers are currently set to Pacific time to give some disticition in time for other US Players. Our current server is an E3-1270 with 16GB of RAM on a bursting GB Network connection. I am looking at expanding our current hosting for the mod and continued beta/development support of BIS and the DayZ team. As such running servers can be quite costly. While my community helps with some of the cost of running these servers, adding additional servers is not cheap as all of these threads have shown. Neither is the time associated with maintaining the servers. Donate Directly to UnitedOperations US3/US4
  2. Impulse 9

    US3/US4/US5 - Server Donations

    Due to failure to meet donation goals, these servers will be shutdown at end of day - 2012-07-25 Thank you for your partiicpation and support. Any pending donations made will be refunded.
  3. Impulse 9

    US5 change of ownership

    While US5 did not officially run on veteran, all of the UO servers regular settings are mirrored off of a modified, and raised difficulty setting that mirrors Veteran with higher AI difficulty and AI viewdistances. We do this so that any mission chosen will have the same settings and gameplay. Exceptions exist between Regular and Veteran only for Group leader Diamonds. US5's prior difficulty settings disabled the following 3rd Person Crosshair Nametags Killed By Unit Map Markers I am not sure if Attridge will continue to run the Beta 93160 requirement for his clients. Additional settings were modified, but those were the normal ones. For prior players of US5, this new server that Attridge is hosting is using the same database ID, it will contain all of your saved camps/buildings/placement. No other changes should be present aside from those that Attridge wishes to make with his difficulty settings. Rather than lose this server and the work people put forth we thought it better to transfer it to another capable server host that had a strong interest in continuing to host this title. Sorry for any confusion to the playerbase.
  4. We typically lock the servers before a scheduled shutdown or server update to prevent new players from connecting and then bitching that we turned off a server, and that they lost all their precious time.
  5. Impulse 9

    Ban appeal.

    Guess this belongs here for the backstory/progression of the ban requested for removal in this thread. http://forums.unitedoperations.net/index.php/topic/11433-ban-cole/ This was a gameserver ban that we had processed outside of DayZ for Like behavior, and since he just didn't get why he was being removed, and argued that we were "creating" false logs to single him out. We chose to remove him for an extended duration from all of our servers, including the DayZ Servers that we host.
  6. Impulse 9

    US5 and 9 currently passworded

    Dwarden and myself were testing additional BattlEye features and Beta DLL issues on US5, this happens from time to time. US5 is not being used for "clan/community" locked issues or anything of that sort.
  7. Impulse 9

    Bans and pings limitations on Chicago 1

    Need to echo this, players rapidly connecting and disconnecting cause major issues with the server's performance until each connection is finished. When one player is in a connection queue, they are not cleared and the server will be busy processing that player until their connection is completely established. Everyone behind them is put into the queue, but, issues arise when there are multiple people in queue that connect and disconnect rapidly. Please, be patient and ride out the connection until it completes. And if you do chose to disconnect, do not reconnect to the same server over and over again, else you may end up banned as indicated above, and not just from the server in question.
  8. Impulse 9

    US3/US4/US5 - Server Donations

    As Mojo has indicated, my "regular" settings are basically veteran/expert. We consider 3rd person overshoulder to be a cheat, espically with how it removed the shakes from pain in earlier versions. Couple that with being able to look from behind cover over walls, and thru walls, it is has been my personal choice to disable this setting across all my servers. Add in the morality choice of not knowing whom someone is at a distance, and the game becomes quite a bit more complicated on your "humanity" choices on engaging players or avoiding.