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Peter Gibbons

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About Peter Gibbons

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Peter Gibbons

    "Wait for Host"

  2. Peter Gibbons

    "Mission DayZ read from bank." Spam

    Yes' date=' quadruple checked. Using the Amazon version actually. I combined the folders, no dice :(.
  3. Peter Gibbons

    Waiting for host

    Where exactly was this misspelling? I have a feeling I'm having a similar problem.
  4. Just got issued an instance ID, followed the instructions to a T. As soon as a person connects I get this spamming the server log window, 16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:06 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. 16:25:07 Mission DayZ read from bank. It spams the server log until someone disconnects. When someone joins all they see is "Wait for host" and a black screen. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?