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l mandrake

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Everything posted by l mandrake

  1. l mandrake


    KoS, you are the best poster on any forum ever. Fact.
  2. l mandrake


    4 seasons in one DayZ?
  3. l mandrake

    DayZ feels American

    You really think they should add Chinese gear? Actually, good call, would make more sense in a Russian Federation state than US stuff.Story-wise, the game is a mess. Dumbing down to attract US kids is really not the issue. Rocket needs to connect his story to its setting more, ideally through subtly embedded hints and reveals which reinforce, not undermine, his masterpiece's fictionalised Eastern Europe setting - here's hoping more background to this will emerge later in development.
  4. l mandrake

    Will there be "mods" for dayz?

    Would love to see a military mod for DayZ, Bravo 2 Zero style special forces mission behind enemy lines, using all the survival elements from DayZ SA. Players could play as the SF team trying to escape the country or lead the OPFOR units hunting them...
  5. l mandrake

    DayZ feels American

    Have to agree with the OP. DayZ SA hasn't yet got its story straight, it's just a random jumble of content. But it's still a brilliant game. Would be even better if the backstory were clear and consistent though (perhaps Rocket should write it first).
  6. l mandrake

    Why should street lights work?

    So much stupidity and ignorance in one post.....it's almost beautiful :cool:
  7. Absolutely not. It is not 'realistic' to have to guess where your body is pointing on a 2d screen. The dot is there to compensate for the unrealistic absence of feedback we constantly get from our eyes, ears and muscles IRL.
  8. l mandrake

    help me in doubt !

    The best post I've read for a long time.
  9. l mandrake

    single fire / autofire switch in m4

    No need, there may be a key binding but there is currently no way to visually tell which fire mode the weapon is set to, which is unrealistic. Only way to tell is to fire some rounds and give away your pos. Def needs fixing.
  10. Idea for the future development of DayZ SA: Right now DayZ is forever 'stuck' in the early days/weeks of the apocalypse, evidenced by the plentiful loot, functioning power grid (street lights still on) and low Zed count. But what if different servers could be set to different phases of the apocalypse? You obviously start as a Bambi on a Phase 1 server, then if you survive x days or even weeks the next login takes you to a Phase 2 server. Here there is rarer loot, no street lighting, rotting rubbish and disease epidemics, more Zeds and generally survival is more challenging. Phase 3 could be an even bleaker existence or could involve new items, features (e.g. labs researching a cure?) and even events (e.g. military overflights/supply drops?) that make players really strive to get there and experience them, adding vastly increased value to life and survival in DayZ. Imagine seeing an armed player and knowing that fighting and dying could set you back weeks of game-time. Obviously players could just keep fighting and dying on the phase 1 servers if they so choose. The rest of us would be determined to survive and 'graduate' to later phases to experience more of what the DayZ world has to terrorise us with. I realise this is just a crude outline and the practical details are sorely missing e.g. how to stop server admins messing with their server's game phase, but I'd really like to know what the community thinks of this idea in principle *dons flame-proof suit* TL:DR: never mind; this post is not aimed at you :)
  11. Not sure if it would be possible to transfer assets across servers - but if they are saved as player equipment it could work.
  12. Fair point, but IMO DayZ is all about tough choices. If your friend dies on Phase 2 then you're all alone until he makes it back in a week or so. Can you imagine the increased fear and feeling of isolation resulting from that? And the elation when you finally meet again? In a computer game? Amazing.And wouldn't this increased sense of loss just make you more paranoid and determined to protect each other? Wouldn't the value of all players' lives go up for all but the most sociopathic/immature among us? Of course, if you're only interested in social gaming (is DayZ really for you?) you could always suicide and rejoin your buddy in Phase 1, but come on, would you always have friends around in a real apocalypse?
  13. l mandrake

    It's far to easy to survive, the challenge...

    ...everything is subject to change. Soon the survival aspect will be so relentlessly tough that these forums will be full of people whining and begging R to make it easier. Remember, his stated inspiration for DayZ was his experience of almost starving during military training.....the pain is coming.
  14. l mandrake

    Purge them all

    *closes eyes, exhaling slowly* I'm Jedi-sensing someone just got KOS'd.
  15. l mandrake

    A few thoughts

    It's a good idea, because it compensates for the nonsensical ability of players to completely change their physical appearance. A game mechanic which aids memory would balance this out.
  16. l mandrake

    No more mr nice guy

    @OP: Never fear. Carebears don't just turn evil. You'll be be back whistling inane ditties, wearing flip flops and bothering complete strangers in no time. Repeat after me: 'a stranger is just a friend who hasn't killed me yet'. On a serious note: don't despair; when the zombies finally get super dangerous the dynamics will change; players will feel an increased urge to co-operate just to survive. Necessity being the mother of friendship and all that. But until then, little bears beware!
  17. You need to enter your bios (hit delete key a few times during post)and change CPU frequency - but google long and hard first to find the exact steps for your motherboard. After that, if you're still having problems you can pm me and I'll try to help.
  18. Why are you running your CPU at stock speed in such a CPU-hungry game? i5 2500k will easily overclock to 4.2ghz on air @stock voltage. Try it, you will notice a big improvement in fps.
  19. l mandrake

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    Lol @ 'rugby helmet' :facepalm: Would love to see Chernorussian police / fire service helmets.
  20. l mandrake

    More Zeds

    An enjoyable, if rather unhinged rant, thanks for sharing :)
  21. l mandrake

    More Zeds

    How is this input helpful? You're publicly criticising a development process of which you have no knowledge or understanding, making baseless assumptions about the allocation of the the dev team's resources, and slinging insults at the rest of the community. You two really, really should have waited for beta.
  22. l mandrake

    This game. And the people who play it

    Stay out of elektro?
  23. OP, I think you need a lesson in basic economics. What were the cost/ benefits to those guys for (a)shooting you and (b ) not shooting you?
  24. l mandrake

    Rain makes the game unplayable.

    Sorry, but this is bullshit. Had a great session earlier in a thunderstorm in Cherno. Atmospheric and smooth as butter. Bravo devs.