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l mandrake

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Everything posted by l mandrake

  1. 1. Why does the player fall unconscious (hourglass) immediately upon being shot with a small calibre weapon like a handgun? This makes it impossible to fight back or escape - IRL adrenaline would kick in (fight or flight), unless the round's KE was enough to do immediate catastrophic damage (.45 at close range or higher calibre, i.e. rifles). If some peewee wants to plink at me with his handgun from 20 metres, I should be able to take a hit or two and return fire (headshots notwithstanding) long before I pass out from blood loss or shock. 2. I shot a player twice with my DMR from approx 10 metres. He immediately went down and alt+f4'd out. OK, I am used to this by now. But since I hit him twice with 7.62 surely he should be dead? Did the immediate hourglass after the first shot prevent him from taking further damage? Are players only able to be hurt when conscious? Would really appreciate an answer to this! tl;dr: can a player receive further injury while the unconsciousness hourglass is showing?
  2. Morphine is too scarce in, but only because zeds can walk through closed doors and break bones with their first strike. One or all of these 3 elements need adjusting.
  3. l mandrake

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Sure you're aware of this but IMO is borked because Zed's come through closed doors, break bones with one hit and there is no morphine....so aggroing zeds basically = respawn.
  4. l mandrake

    My Apology to Rocket; Maybe Yours Too

  5. l mandrake

    Thx for the Malware

    I call trollshit
  6. l mandrake

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yeah my Makarov disappeared after reconnect, and it's mags too...it was in inventory (not backpack).
  7. l mandrake

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Zed sensitivity is about right for me....but respawn timer is still off. E.g. I killed 3 zeds at a deerstand, then 3 more spawn right in front of me while I'm still looting the bodies (less than a minute later).
  8. l mandrake

    So rocket... is it Day-Zed or Daisy?

    Doesn't really carry the right vibe (maybe with blood splattered all over them....)
  9. l mandrake

    So rocket... is it Day-Zed or Daisy?

    I refuse to call it Daisy, which as previously stated, sounds like a Massively Multiplayer Hair Braiding Simulator for six-year-old girls. It's Days for me, end of :)
  10. +1 have to agree, in zeds are over-sensitive, i.e. they see me before I see them, so I spend most of my time being 'ambushed' by zeds out of nowhere and doing the old Benny Hill procession across the countryside. OK it's good for a sudden fright, but not very immersive after a while: suggestion: lower zed hearing by 15-20%
  11. l mandrake

    Geared up with epic kit... afraid to play now!

    Where do you get Fal mags? Never seen any.
  12. Don't worry there's new equipment coming for players who find the night too dark (replaces default backpack)
  13. Point = missed. I used the term 'griefers' because the kind of players who camp a safe distance outside a town and snipe newly-spawned players without even bothering to loot their bodies are not doing it for survival, they're doing it for sport. My post doesn't judge that play-style in any way (it's a sandbox after all), but if pk'ing purely for fun in a survival game isn't 'griefing', then I don't know what is. IRL such psychopathically deranged people would (thankfully) be in the extreme minority, but as this is a computer game they are over-represented and are drawn like moths to the big cities to find their quarry. The OP wants a reason to leave Cherno = well a very good one is griefers.
  14. Because it's a magnet for well-armed griefers who enjoy killing other players for fun. If you're going to stay there for a long time, I suggest only moving about at night.
  15. l mandrake

    Thank you new Patch for screwing me over!

    PATCH: "you're welcome."
  16. l mandrake

    Kicked from UK4 with picture

    yep both sides should be heard, but don't forget there are some proper douchebag admins out there!
  17. l mandrake

    Flashlight: The symbol of peace.

    Better to 'flash' the flashlight a few times from a distance. Then put it away before it gets you both killed :)
  18. l mandrake

    What upgrade should i get to play this game.

    You will also need a brain, some patience, a working microphone and, for nighttime play, a metaphorical pair of balls (not to suggest you don't already) :) PS. Buying the cheapest, oldest graphics card you can get way with (8800GT) is a false economy IMO. You will have to ditch it within 6 months.
  19. +1 totally agree, this update is a game changer. For the first time since discovering this mod I actually HAD to co operate with other players JUST TO SURVIVE. Trapped in Elektro by aggroing zombies I ran to the supermarket and was actually RELIEVED to see other survivors, instead of wanting to kill them as a potential threat: DayZ is starting to mirror exactly how most sane people would feel in a disaster situation. Using direct chat (which I had never bothered with before) to help each other share ammo and reach the hospital was epic, before we finally did transfusions, wished each other luck and went our separate ways. Really amazes me how I have suddenly gone from being a SoS lone wolfer to a team player, all because of the new update.... And creeping through Elektro with a G17 and flashlight was CREEPY AS FUCK now that the Zeds mean business, especially with the red light of flares lighting up the inky darkness. Amazing atmosphere, truly. I felt enormous achievement just getting some supplies and making it out alive...whereas before the update I would have just lone-wolfed in and out, wasting zeds without a worry: it's essentially a whole new game for me now. Thank you Rocket and team for all the continued hard work!