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Lt. Toast

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About Lt. Toast

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I was healed by MaldorLevr and one other guy (sorry don't remember his name right now). Thanks guys!
  2. Hello medics, and thanks for your great service. Now onto business. Name: Lt. Toast Condition: Infected and with low blood Location: In the forest on the north side of the NWAF (near the barracks). Description: Hero skin with Coyote backpack. Thanks in advance.
  3. So my story starts like this, I run into Electro to gear up and of course since its a relatively full server there are a bunch of people there, needless to say I get killed. After spawning in I run back to try and get my stuff, which I do, unfortunately there's a bandit camping on top of the hospital who then kills me. I spawn in again, this time at Krutoy Cap, and run back to Electro to get my revenge on the rooftop bandit. On my way there I see a guy complaining about the bandit on the hospital in side chat and asks a sniper on sniper hill to take him out. When I see this I decide to run up to sniper hill (probably not the smartest thing since I was unarmed) and see if I could steal a weapon out of the snipers pack and kill him. So there I am wandering around sniper hill looking for a sniper when I look down and see not one but two snipers with AS50's 5 meters in front of me. Fearing that they may have heard me since I was just running around I freeze in my tracks and quickly drop down. Wasting no time I roll over to the first sniper and look in his pack where I find a conveniently placed Mk48. I take it out and aim it at the other sniper and unleash a short but devastating bust of fire, I then quickly turned the machine gun on his sniper friend and unleashed a second burst of fire into his body. Unfortunately this second bandit was a script kiddie as he lived and proceeded to turn around and try and shoot me. As soon as I saw that he wasn't dead I rolled behind a tree as several .50 BMG rounds fly over my head. Taking my chances I roll out and fire off several more rounds at him, one of which must have hit his head which I've heard kills script kiddies with god mode on (not sure if this is true or not, maybe he wasn't a script kiddie and I just missed him the first time idk). Of course like any hackers body it disappeared before I could loot it, but luckily his friends body was still there which I proceeded to gear up on. So that's my story, in the course of a few minutes I went from having no gear to having some of the best gear in the game and taking out two bandits along the way. What is you coolest bandit kill (or kill in general, I suppose)?
  4. Lt. Toast

    Just saw Rocket again.

  5. Lt. Toast

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    What I would want to see most would be some underground structures like sewers or a subway system. Sewers Pros: - Its underground! To me is a big plus, right now Dayz lacks anything underground. I guess this is due to engine limitations but I know rocket wanted to have underground bases so hopefully this will change. - Relatively easy to set up a base just find a room with one entrance and barricade it. Or maybe if there was a way you could lock doors and gates you could seal off a room that way, also this gives the crowbar some use. - There would probably be very few zombies down here making it a relativly easy way to get from one side of whatever town it was in to the other. Cons: - Night vision goggles wouldn't work here. Because the NVGs in Dayz use amplified light to enable you to see, once you get deep into the sewers they wouldn't work, forcing you to use our flash light (although this would cause some very interesting scenarios). - Very easy to get lost in. To fix this maybe you could find a map of the sewer system or you could always resort to drawing your own map. - Extremely easy to catch diseases. Maybe you could find some sort of Hazmat suit to help with this. Subway This would have the pros and cons as the sewers for the most part except there wouldn't be the same chance for disease. However to have a subway system there would have to be a fairly large city so I don't really see this as a possibility for Chernarus.
  6. Lt. Toast

    Just saw Rocket again.

    For this one I decided to go with a soviet (because of the location of Chernarus) propaganda poster. SUPPORT COMRADE ROCKET!!!
  7. Lt. Toast


    In the U.S. we call them RVs, not sure about other countries. It would be sort of interesting though being able to move your camp around.
  8. Lt. Toast

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I can't take full credit for this one, someone posted a similar joke in the "Devblog Update: Where's the Standalone" thread. Also I think this thread needs to be stickied.
  9. In-game name: Lt.Toast Condition: Bleeding out, blinking blood (probably one of the stupidest things I've done, not restocking my bandages) Location: N.E.A.F. by the ladder that goes to the glass section of the control tower. Description: I'm wearing a gillie suit and I have a DMR I can be contacted by skype (lt.toast), steam (monkeybread), or you could pm me here. EDIT: I was helped by grekain1. Thanks a lot!
  10. Lt. Toast

    Just saw Rocket again.

  11. Lt. Toast

    Just saw Rocket again.

  12. Lt. Toast


    Yeah just use DayZ Commander, all you have to do is click the update button and it does the rest for you.
  13. Lt. Toast

    Mt Dew can

    I've found a few Mountain Dews the first one I got I found on someones dead body, I picked it up and 30 seconds later I was sniped. The second one I found gave me good luck though. I found an AS50, some vehicles, and the new MI-17 helicopter. When I find them I keep them.
  14. Server: DayzChernarus - ( [REGULAR][GMT-6] Private Hive - [24/7 Day] Px2 No Mans Land -Spawn w/ weapon PEW PEW!-Lots o vehicles | DayZ.st | DayZ.ST Server IP: Time: Approximately CST 15:00 So after being hacked 5 times in one day I decide to join a private server hoping that it would be better. After spawning in I quickly make a group with several other people. We then find some vehicles and start heading north. Halfway there I hear a chopper overhead so we stop the vehicles in some bushes hoping that we weren't seen. All of the sudden a bomb goes off and well die. I respawn in Bolata and then the chopper shows up and kills me again this time however I see the pilots name, OhLookAPanda. I respawn this time near the lighthouse between Kamenka and Komravo about this time a debug monitor thing pops up on my screen, knowing that this is clearly some hack I start up Fraps and entice the guy into killing me. As he shows up I jump off the lighthouse and go unconscious he then give me morphine and spawns in an attack heli. After I become conscious he decides to kill me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1CyjtMGORFk[/media]
  15. Lt. Toast

    Cant refuel tractor

    I figured it out and in case anyone else can't find the refueling option get in the tractor then get out. Without moving turn around and look at the underside of the back left mud flap thing and it should pop up.