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Posts posted by fleischi93

  1. You're probably logging into Private Hives. You character isn't saved to the regular servers, so you're forced to create a new character.

    This could be possible, I thought of that. Well I won't join any private hives anymore. And I killed my "main character" yesterday, now it seems that it works again.

  2. One thing that will cause this is if you join a server that is running a higher version of the Arma 2 Beta patch than the one your client is running...try to stick to servers that are equal to or below the beta number (95XXX) that your client has installed.

    I just join on servers with the beta 96895 and DayZ Version (because that's my version) but I keep getting this error, sometimes I respawn as "my main character" (my bandit) but if I rejoin or join another server sometimes I am getting fresh respawned at the coast and sometimes not, it's like I have multiple characters now but I can't choose them, the game itself choses one when I'm logging in.

  3. Hello DayZ Community

    I wanted to play some DayZ today with my ghillie sniper. I got ontop of the hospital in Cherno and shot some bandits before I decided to log out. After a few minutes I wanted to play again, so I restarted the game and it says "Select a gender" and I am being respawned at the coast.

    So now my problem is, whenever I try to login there is something different. Example: I respawned at the coast, run a few minutes, logged out, logged back in (on another server), respawning at coast with a machine gun in my hand. But after reloging again on a different server I am suddenly again at the hospital in Cherno with my ghillie. It seems that it doesn't save my profile/character right, or any other thing is corrupted with the mod or my profile. What can I do against this?

    (Sorry for my bad English)



  4. I'd say you had the zombie attraction and dc'd too late to save your sorry ass.

    Don't dc when your getting attacked by either zombies or players. Other than that as fraggle suggested suck it up and get back up to the Airfield. Which btw you can get to from the coast in 20-30mins if you run straight up.

    Aw man that sucks but I guess I'll have to go over it. And I'm playing DayZ since 3-4 days so I really have some problems with navigating, do you have some video or anything showing me that route? Or should I just run through everything till I'm there? If it's really only 30mins that would be awesome.

  5. Hey community

    so yesterday I went with my friend to NW Airfield to get some guns and stuff, we both had a broken leg and I crouched like 2-3hours to get there. My friend died yesterday evening and I logged out while his dead body got the zombies attraction. But now if I login back I am dead and respawned at the coast with no items. I mean that fucking sucks, first time to the airfield crouching through half of the map and then I am dead when I login back? Wtf

    Anything I can do? Without playing the whole shit again
