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Metric (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Metric (DayZ)

  1. Metric (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm happy with everything in so far bar one particular gripe, the mega stomping random bone crunching hit that you cop every now and then. I wouldn't even care about the Zombies spawning a metre from me if there wasnt a chance it could Mike Tyson me and end my game. 4 times in a row, after repeated hours of very stealthy and enjoyable play, all of a sudden a Zombie would spawn in a little woodshed or similar, right next to me and just smash my skull in with one blow. Each time this knocked me out, broke my bones, drained 2000 blood and bled me out waiting to wake up. It was so sudden and so overpowered that it actually shocked me physically each time, and even though I had properly scoped the area and was using stealth correctly, a Zombie that close spawns aggro'd and ends you. In the end I actually got some sleep for the first night in about a month because this disheartened me so much. Im hoping this is addressed/slightly toned down/Zombie spawn shifted/ in this next patch.
  2. Metric (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Bone breaking is unbalanced, I was killed 4 times in a row by a single Zombie hit that broke my bones, took 2000 blood, and knocked me out. I bled out every single time before I came to, and this from a single sledgehammer zombie hit. It happened every time I fell below 7000 blood. I can appreciate the game mechanic, but imo, the luck factor this introduces negates trying to be stealthy, as you may spend 45 minutes Sam Fishering a town, to be slammed by a Zombie thru a wall and have to watch yourself bleed out in a crumpled heap and die. I would support a change to a more realistic bone breaking mechanic, as it feels like we are all suffering from osteoporosis. I actually had Morphine on 2 of these occasions, but its impossible to administer when you are unconscious.
  3. Nope Nev. Ima coming to steal all your base. Or something.
  4. Metric (DayZ)

    How to play this game

    Just learn from each mistake as you die, just like the rest of us. Took me forever to actually learn this game, In my opinion not much has changed in the new patches, it is still a harsh mistress.
  5. Fucking Pirates. How dare any of you even try to help him. Fucktards.
  6. Metric (DayZ)

    Master Computer just to use

    I suppose it would annoy the hell out of you that I'm getting 70 FPS at 2560 x 1440 with everything maxed? (other than post process, which makes my eyes bleed) Game looks amazing too. Downside is that when recording it drops to a horrendous 40 FPS and I have to call my butler in to rage smash another Fabergé egg for me.
  7. Wow. L2write please. You are supposed to lead them to an area you can control, such as INSIDE a barn, house or building of some sort, and proceed to quietly and efficiently shoot each one in the head.
  8. Metric (DayZ)

    You are listening to the wrong people Rocket.

    I don't understand why we aren't spawned with nothing at all. No backpack, no nothing. That would be far better imo. Survival of the fittest I say. I like the glitched stupid mega zombie overlords. They suck so bad it makes the game insanely difficult and epic at the same time. This game was made for gamers looking for a truly hardcore experience, so I'm all for anything that achieves that.
  9. Metric (DayZ)

    Advice for 1.7.1

    Headshots are the key. You need to lead the Zombies into a large enclosed area, like a barn or warehouse, and just go dowwn on one knee and take carefull aim and headshot those buggers. My mates and I always try to see who can break the record for parity with headshots versus Zombie Kills, the record so far is 104/104 before a bodyshot ruined it. At one stage I was 400/325 , so with a bit of practice and some good tactics, headshotting is made much easier.
  10. Metric (DayZ)

    Where are weapons?

    Leave the Coastal Towns, get out of them FFS. 6 Hours? I could get to the NWAF and have rare weapons and head all the way back to the coast in that time easily. You need to head straight North and hit the towns along the way, you will find food and water easily so just run directly North and dont bother with Cherno and Elektro unless you have a death wish.
  11. Metric (DayZ)

    Is it possible to trust?

    On the first outing of the 1.7.1 update, I immediately made friends with a guy in a barn who was bleeding and trying to fend off Zombies much like myself, we spoke in direct chat, which works brilliantly and teamed up for about 20 minutes untill Zombies overcame us and killed us both. On my next spawn, I made it all the way through Electro, raided the Firestation and ended up with an MP5SD6 and an AKS-74u. I was waiting for a mate of mine and decided the best place to do this was in a barn north of Electro. I was using direct chat to warn players of two snipers above the Firestation when a guy in the barn I was in asked an a frantic voice if I was freindly. I replied yes and we very carefully sussed each other out and moved out into the tree line together. He commented that I had a nice pack and a nice weapon, and that if he was a dick, he would shoot me and take them, I replied that he was welcome to try, to which he nervously laughed and denied that he would. We talked for a while in direct chat while we waited for our mates, and I noticed he was only carrying a crossbow and had no pistol at all. I thanked him for not shooting me and gave him the Aks-74U and two clips and went on my way. He was totally blown away by this kindness and added me on steam as a friend. I finally met up with my mate and we headed north for Stary, to try and kit up a little better. Half way there we saw movement up ahead as we came across two survivors travelling in the middle of the road we were flanking through the tree line. Now in the old days, it would have been shoot on sight. We clearly had the drop on them, with superior position and weapons, but I held fire and asked in direct chat if they were friendly, again I got very nervous replies of yes, and we met in the road. They had aggo'd Zombies which were chasing them so my mate and I dispatched them and then we exchanged some pleasantries and discovered neither of them had any ammo. We let them know the town we had just left was chock full of food and mak ammo, and we thanked each other and went on our way. Now the thing is, I had NEVER used direct chat before, NEVER held fire and always just shot on sight. If I didn't, I died from the other player shooting me. The desperate unbalanced way the game has been made is working perfectly towards encouraging us to team up, as my first day in the update clearly shows, and it's making for an even more interesting and morally challenging game. There are still bandits who will kill on sight, don't doubt that, one ended me and my mate at Stary, but that just makes the game even more interesting...
  12. Metric (DayZ)

    The Bandits kill...all day long

    None of the Australian Servers have been affected by these hacks I keep hearing about, I think us aussies are all just too busy actually playing the game to be bothered hacking it..
  13. Metric (DayZ)

    Dear heavy sniper bandits in Stary Sobor.

    Can I have the name of the server you play on regulary please? You and your comrades' current loot value and overconfidence make you a desirable mission objective.
  14. YES. Great Idea. Can peripheral vision play a part also? possibly a subtle coloured halo effect graphic, alerting you to evil?
  15. Metric (DayZ)

    Where's the Blood?

    You're a knob. Discuss. I fully concur. Burst anuses? Really? No-one wants that.
  16. Metric (DayZ)

    should there be regular resets on characters

    I fail to see how dying to a duper with NVG's and a DMR is any different to dying to a player with a makarov and a can of beans. Death comes. I haven't been affected by duping, and I've never been killed by a DMR. In fact I didn't even know duping existed until I read this thread, and I still have my doubts. If death had a time stamp, I wouldn't bother playing. I have absolutely no doubt I could survive past a month if I chose too, it would be boring but It could be done. I just wish people would spend less time posting whinyness and more time playing. If anything should be done it should be to make the game harder.
  17. Metric (DayZ)

    How to stop people from playing Day Z

    Well, you've described gaming in an alpha quite succinctly. This game is brutal and unforgiving, the guy that shot you is a fellow DayZ'er not a fucktard, have some respect. Its getting so old hearing all you whiners whinge about players killing you, It doesn't ruin anything, it just teaches you how to play the game a little better every time you make a simple mistake and die. Yes, getting killed by another player is actually your own mistake. Be aware of your surroundings, learn to survive in this unforgiving place, it is so satifying when you do, and so heart wrenching when you don't. Just play it or move on.
  18. I didnt really have any issue with it all, my freinds and I had an 8 hour stint last night and the lowest temp we got to was 60's. Wood is literally everywhere, we just lit a fire cooked some meat and moved on when we got back to 100%. Its a non issue, it rained on us and we started dropping, so we lit another fire... really not much of a problem, and adds to the urgency of moving in and out of towns and cities. Matches are also everywhere again now, so It doesn't take long to find them. You need to be on the outskirts of a town to safely light a fire, don't even bother trying it in town or inside. I quite like the game mechanic personally.
  19. Metric (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi My name is Metric, here and ingame. I come from an Australian FPS clan who compete in BF3 and one of the clannies dragged me into DayZ with promises of a unique gaming experience. After much death and the mastering of a decidedly clunky control system, I'm hooked and seriously into this game. I'm currently a survivor, but so far I've been murdered twice by other survivors after a trusy virtual handshake... so most likely I will be prepared to shoot you in the back of your head in a blink if I think you are suss. A couple of other clannies are looking to join and we will most likely haunt US servers for daylight. See you in the fields..