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Metric (DayZ)

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About Metric (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Metric (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    His point was very well made.
  2. Metric (DayZ)

    I always die while AFK or Alt+Tabbed

    You dont. The only benefit of using two screens is having a visible map.
  3. Metric (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Care to elaborate on exactly why? People like you spam up these threads and waste my time. Please provide feedback with such extreme statements
  4. Metric (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    So much QQ. Game has gotten as unrewarding as hell just looting. The only fun to be had is hunting players. I give everyone a chance by running around shooting Zombies, being loud, calling out on direct chat and allowing people to talk me out of killing you. Guy ran away from my axe last night yelling no non no no no... you all know the vid, so I let him live, he knew I was a bandit instantly, that heartbeat thing is nuts, and works very well. This is not Deathmatch, it is survival of the fittest/smartest/trollingest/what ever.
  5. Metric (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Same as everyone else really, so far problems include: Very long loading- sometimes up to an hour, seems to be load dependant Severe FPS drops in built up area's, takes a while but as stated elsewhere, even a beast can be brought to its knees, I had drops as low as 10 FPS. Stationary Zombies, Zombies spawning in triplicate, Zombies spawning close by, cycling through available skins and then disappearing, Zombies generally ignoring players, areas devoid of Zombies for long periods of time. Zombies are too handsome. Loot, when it actually spawns, seems to be about perfect, other than the good old ammo clips refilling on reconnection, and the rather annoying amount of time it takes for loot to actually spawn into an area you have just entered, is this intentional and/or related to the hoppers? People are now hopping server restarts due to the large amount of time it takes for loot to respawn. No Gillies or Camo anywhere so far, unless they are ultra rare, which would be epic. Several of my friends and I are having almost game breaking graphical glitches, The contrast shifting while in a forest between dark and light is eyeblindingly horrid, I'm having huge polygon shaped artefacts stab my eyes to death and gamma flicker also kicks in regularly and forces me to use tears of the Gypsy to allow vision again. I think these may all be Arma related, but nonetheless many factors worse than anything else DayZ ever throws at me. Axe hit box seems nerfed or at least very glitchy, making careful placed shots pointless, as the Zombies will hurt you a little bit every time you use an axe. It will be a beautiful and amazing moment when this game can be fully realised with an engine built to facilitate the game play as you envision it. Sometimes its just the simple things like a server browser with a favourites tab, hit boxes, collision mechanics, terrain and weather factors etc. that can make all the difference to games like this that have a core game play mechanic so well defined, if not fully fleshed out yet.
  6. Metric (DayZ)

    Not everyone is a potential enemy.

    Its funny you know, even Bandits can be friendly and help each other out. I was tooling around in Cherno killing Zombies and trying my hardest to bring attention to myself so I could attract some PvP action and have a bit of fun. A bandit spawned right above me, I was in cover below him and he in cover above me. He had heard my M14 shots and had a quick sense of my heartbeat and knew I was dangerous, but offered the olive branch anyway with a quick statement that went something like this 'I know you are a bandit, but so am I, and I don't want to die to you so lets just be friendly' Could I trust this guy? probably not! but I thought what the hell, so I replied ' Sure you come out first, I promise I wont shoot' to my surprise, he came out, offered me two M107 clips (which I desperately needed) and we nervously chatted for a bit and then settled in and hunted players for about an hour in range and sight of each other the whole time. It was amazing. I truly considered killing him, several times, it would have been the ultimate betrayal, but I just couldn't. I found myself in a moral situation where I had interacted with this guy, given my word and just couldn't break it. Now the thing is, we are both bandits, both with heartbeats going absolutely nuts, yet here we are being friendly... Crazy game this DayZ edit: we were both fully kitted out and had everything to lose in that interaction. interesting
  7. Unfortunately I get this issue as well, it happens almost constantly. Mine is more like it is adjusting it's own contrast, and being a tad heavy handed about it. I think it is a failing of the lighting engine. You running high end kit?
  8. Metric (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Just go play it ffs. Its still hell fun. I would be if my net wasn't dun broked by the worlds worst ISP Hnngggggg.
  9. Nope all our tears and fears are directly stated to go in here, so remaining cool is exactly what this thread is NOT about. LOL. Played for about 6 hours last night, the new Zombie aggro range is insane, but is balanced somewhat by being able to outrun them fairly easily over long distances. You no longer need to be actually moving to aggro them, just being visible is enough, prone or otherwise. We actually had Zombies aggro'd outside of our view distance and were like 'whats that black speck? its getting bigger.. WTF! its a Zombie!' They spawn back in after killing them, in greater and fgreater numbers, so hanging around anywhere is very dangerous, you basically need to get in, and get out fast or risk being overwhelmed by them. I actually died while carrying an Uzi and an AKM with plenty of ammo, with my mate beside me with an AKM and a Makarov, purely because they broke my legs and we just couldn't shoot them fast enough to stop them. Must say its the first time ever that I've been legitimately overwhelmed by Zombies while in the company of a clannie and well armed. Certainly makes Zombies a much more potent force. Spawns are all weirded out again, seems that the loot tables have rotated slightly and now there is a different bunch of stuff over spawning with some items being nearly impossible to find that used to be common and vice versa. Nothing unusual about that though. Backpacks spawn everywhere, you can get a coyote backpack nearly immediately, with most Red houses and Supermarkets having several different backpacks at a time. Very handy. First few times I was player killed last night I respawned with all of my stuff, at the point in time that I entered the server, meaning player states aren't updating in real time. When the Zombies killed me, I couldn't get back into any server anywhere for nearly an hour and a half before I gave up and went to bed. It just hung at waiting for character to create endlessly. Overall, I really like the excessive aggro range and massive difficulty the Zombies now represent, might actually stop the rampant pk'ing if shooting is much riskier.
  10. Metric (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I thought we were the testers? Us.. the masses. We report bugs, they get hotfixed if enough of us are reporting it. Isn't that the point of an alpha? to introduce new elements, have them tested and fix them up? I'm dying to jump in tonight, myself and my clannies are going to actually respawn and forgo all our gear and do the whole start again on a new build thing. Should be fun and/or horrible, who knows?, but it needs to be done to address any issues that may arise. I know our lone voices may seem to be not heard but if we are all singing the same song, things get definately get fixed.
  11. Metric (DayZ)

    Loot chance calculations?

    Those maps are always wrong. I learned a long time ago to completely ignore them as they are all based purely on anecdotal evidence. 4 chances in 100 sounds about right for a tent in a supermarket, again, that is purely anecdotal. Nice formula though, although I think rocket has a rather convoluted and much more complicated algorithm for loot spawns. He'll never clue us in either, takes the mystery out of the game.
  12. Metric (DayZ)

    What Happened to Fair Competition?

    If Rocket can figure out a way to 'Patch Out' the meta gaming that occurred here, I'll ride my flying pig to pick up some unicorn milk to cook my Raptor eggs with. It is perfectly fair that you were stupid enough to allow an unknown on your Vent and it bit you. Shut up and tighten up this so called clan of rag tag militia you have.
  13. Is only Game, Why you Heff to be Mad?
  14. Metric (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    This crap has ruined the game. It is just a tool for greifing server hoppers and serves no purpose for legitimate players. The sooner it is removed/limited the better. I find it hard to fathom how fucked up the gaming community actually is these days, all they want to do is ruin it for everyone else to gain some advantage for themselves.
  15. Metric (DayZ)

    Why do you murder?

    I Kill, therefore I am. These days it's for loot. Server hoppers have absolutely destroyed any chance of consistently and legitimately finding loot. I've wasted countless hours going through every town right up the NWAF to find tin cans and makarov mags. NWAF is even worse, the last 4 trips there have netted nothing. Its no longer worth the risk to travel, I'll just hunt players, kill with an Axe and take their stuff. Much easier.