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Everything posted by McGee

  1. How long does it take to upload a stupid video? Not this long. Unless its been edited to remove all the hacking that is. Upload 1 video start to finish with only sound mutes to hide the 'moles' voice
  2. NO There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?
  3. The difference being that Something Awful is not primarily a gaming site and the 20 or so out of 160 000 who duped don't make up the majority. You can't control what 1 other person does even in a clan of 2 people and there's nothing to stop someone from putting LLJK after their name because theirs no magic check to see if Lowtax or another SA admin has approved they could use it in a video game. Should we have to force all the people who use LLJK who don't glitch to change their tag in other games as well? The thing about doing to make the developer aware of it was me saying "in an alpha bugs aren't the priority so if people aren't using it there's no motivation to fix it" not "they only did it to make the devs aware". I guess I wasn't clear.
  4. Haha wow it's a forum not a company or clan You are being a retard right here right now therefore every user who ever used this forum is now you It's not rocket surgeory that this is a stupid thing to say Are you a redditor? Would you appreciate it if I said all redditors are Pedos because of r/jailbait (and the fact that an admin actually said the pedophilia was ok) but who cares about that a few of 160 000 did something in a video game that made the developer aware of the glitch. It's in alpha and therefore bugs aren't a priority unless you know, someone makes it a big deal
  5. And I will be perfectly fine laughing at how mad you get when people raise awareness of the glitch so the dev has an actual reason to remove it It's not really a priority in an alpha if no one cares