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Donkey (DayZ)

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About Donkey (DayZ)

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  1. My faith in players was partially restored the other day as well. I was strolling across a field south of a town (Shakhovka perhaps?) getting ready to move in and find some bandages since I've lost 4 morphines and and all of my bandages to hackers in the last few days, but somehow managed to survive (thanks to AltF4 unfortunately, which I never use otherwise). Anyways, I'm strolling along when someone starts firing at me from behind. I start to run around, bleeding, and return about 10 shots with my M4 before I'm tackled by a zombie. As I was laying there thinking I'm finally done, I hear gunshots and am no longer being eaten, the guy bandages me and gives me a blood transfusion. Then I hear him enjoying a soda from my pack. When I get up he's gone, and I'm honestly better off than when he shot me, aside from some new psychological issues. A few minutes later, I was back in the woods considering moving into town again when I found a motorbike stashed behind a tree. I left it in case it belonged to the soda thief and moved on.
  2. Donkey (DayZ)

    What is the point to DayZ, if not to kill players?

    Playing this game just to kill other players is just like playing COD deathmatch, except you only see 1 player all day, and most of the time he will either not see you (and you walk up and BOOM HEADSHOT!) or look right at you and say "hey buddy, you want to be friends?" with no intention of fighting back (BOOM HEADSHOT! Yeah baby! I'm winning!!). Sure this is an option as a playstyle, but I can't see how it's the most exciting one. I certainly wouldn't have played COD for long with this premise. As for what you would do in a real zombie apocalypse vs in the game. In reality I can't imagine I'd go roaming through the woods with an assault rifle looking for a bigger gun and shooting people. I'd probably take up gardening or something. Obviously our motivations are different in game.
  3. Donkey (DayZ)

    Rocket is partially causing DC'ers

    I'm not complaining about the difficulty' date=' I personally don't see it as being such, I'm complaining about how easy it is to disconnect without penalties attached. I looked around and can't find the person you are misquoting. Can you please point them out? I'm half awake and don't feel like searching each and every post. [/quote'] It wasn't so much a quote as paraphrasing the title of the post, and in the first half of your post you say that people are disconnecting more because Rocket made the game harder. I assumed you were stating this as a complaint. I do agree that Rocket might be causing more disconnections though, but that's not to say he's doing anything wrong. I totally agree with the rest of your post. Disconnecting should not be an option.
  4. Donkey (DayZ)

    Rocket is partially causing DC'ers

    "Rocket makes the game too hard so now people have to cheat to win." Really?! Sure, making the game harder will cause the cause the DCers to DC more, but do you really think there would be less of a problem if the game were easier? They would just need to disconnect less often since they would come across less challenges. The only problem is that hitting Alt F4 is too easy. For some people, when they get put in a tough spot and they know there's an easy out, in the heat of the moment they can't help but take it. Run for cover? or press key on keyboard? Try to lose 10 zombies? or press key on keyboard? It's just too easy. Of course others just blatantly take advantage. I honestly don't see the point of not playing the game in order be successful at the game, but everyone has their own motivations. Either way, the disconnect problem will one day be addressed. There's no need to make the game any easier to accommodate people who use an exploit.
  5. Donkey (DayZ)

    Your Experiences with Other Players...

    I've had good and bad experiences, but the good ones are more memorable. I don't shoot on site so most people I meet just run by without seeing me. On the coast it's about 50/50, some shoot at you, some hang out with you for a while, but it doesn't matter because you don't have anything. 1. Walked into a shed and there's an AFK dude there. I point my enfield at him and proceed to pick up some soda. 15 seconds in, dude moves a bit. I close the gear window and he looks at me pointing a pistol. My thought is, he sees me holding a rifle on him without firing so he knows I'm friendly. 5 seconds later he proceeds to shoot me 3 times. I shoot him once and he's dead. I bandage up and move along. 2. Met up with someone and moved through some towns on the coast together, until someone else shot me. 3. Running through the woods I find an Alice pack, and hey, there's a guy under it. And another guy behind the tree. I don't know if they saw me coming, but I gave them a soda, they gave me a compass and walked me to the nearest dear stand where I picked up an AK74. Then we went our separate ways. 4. Creeping through a town with a Winchester when a guy comes running around the corner with a Macarov. We're face to face. After 3 seconds I haven't fired, and he must know that shooting me with the Macarov will likely be his end. Apparently not, he shoots me 2x and I kill him with 1, but this time I'm hurt. I stagger into the woods nearly blind looking for food for about 10 minutes until someone randomly shoots me. I'm probably too trusting but it would be less interesting to just shoot everyone on sight.
  6. Donkey (DayZ)

    Introduces myself

    Maybe I'm just tired but this is some funny shit. Some hot topics for discussion here though. "one of the added accustomed artisan labels ambrosial to a blowing audience. There are few abominable acclaimed artisan labels whose basic focus is about on a antecedent blowing admirers as adjoin to females." Couldn't have said it better myself.
  7. Donkey (DayZ)


    Sadly, I was only able to read about 1/2 of this thread but I think I got the jist of it. I think FPS Doug said it best with 2 simple words, "BOOM HEADSHOT!!"
  8. Donkey (DayZ)

    many players are quitting

    I'm not going to join the "this game is not for you" crowd, but this game is not a game yet. It's just starting to evolve from an old ArmA map with added primitive zombies and loot points. If it gets boring, just wait for some new stuff to be added or buy it when it's released.
  9. Donkey (DayZ)

    kronzky SP conversion

    I can guess, and I might be way off but, currently the release and visibility of DayZ Alpha content is under Rocket's control, so he can try any feature he likes one week then remove it the next. Releasing an SP version means there are different versions of the software floating around in the public, which with an Alpha is a bit dangerous. Six months from now, or maybe even two, the game we have now will look like crap compared to the new version. It's hurts the integrity of the project to have that old crappy version floating around. Imagine something like a Window7 Alpha. If they had released one to the public to try out for free, I'm sure some people would still be using it, and they would hate Microsoft for every second of it. Also, when DayZ is released and is no longer free, it would be a shame if some people ended up using an early Alpha release as a "demo". Again, this is just a conspiracy theory. I didn't know about SP and I have no idea what's going on.
  10. Donkey (DayZ)

    Traps to be added in a later patch - thoughts?

    Roaming zombies would be a good way to clear up any left over traps. The problem then I guess is that most zombies would be crawlers. That or you'd walk into a town and see 20 zombies standing around with their legs stuck in traps, which would be kind of funny. You could stand back and throw cans at them.
  11. YES Someone who killed 50 people last week is going to seem a little bit... different, though they might not realize. Additional words: - do Z's hear it too? - maybe it's intermittent, or doesn't kick in right away. - maybe you need to have positive humanity (or some level), or long life experience, to hear it.
  12. It is strange how people get stupid on the Internet, and to imply that Left 4 Dead is somehow a bad game. Left 4 Dead is awesome! Playing, or just liking, this game doesn't make you somehow better than those playing other games. I hope this level of intelligence hasn't made its way into the real world. Two forum posters enjoying some chocolate cake: Poster 1: "I could sure go for a nice glass of milk right now." Poster 2: "You are a bloody retard, why don't you go and eat some ice cream if you like milk so much... jack ass!"
  13. Donkey (DayZ)

    We've got it too easy

  14. Donkey (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only - I would purchase a standalone game. Game purchase with Monthly fee? - This will be a tougher sell, but obviously the fee would be justified in some way. If we're paying to make the game better, for continuous development, additional content... I would pay it if I thought it was worth it but expectations would be higher.
  15. They should continue to work on DayZ as an ARMA2 mod only as long as it's productive for them to do so. The current product seems far too limited by the engine and they would be better off spending their time adding the features they want and creating something solid, not trying to cobble something together so I can get it for free. The game has loads of potential and I'd rather see it done right.