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About natalo78

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm looking for a guy who was on UK 108 on 5th december, You were in elektro, and after we both walked into the offices, I told you about my broken leg tragedy, and you went to get me morphine, one of the nicest guys I've met of DayZ Pm me if you see this or want to play together
  2. I've played DayZ for a while, I've died more times that I can count, I've made one murder I can remember. And I love the game, nothing I found could beat the damn-straight unique experience that DayZ does, However, there's one more thing. I had my best experiences whilst playing in a group, we found the best weapons, laughed (and died) together, but then they both lost interest. I've tried to get friends into it, but all to no avail. I'm English, I'm 15 and I'm looking for a group to play dayz with!
  3. I'd be up for it but it depends what timezone you're in, I'm in England, 15 btw
  4. Hello. I've been looking for a fellow hardy Englishman to drink tea around the campfire with! Of course, with the ocaisional can of heinz. I'd think it great if we grouped up! I'm not the best of players, but I practically know everything about the damn game and I'm a good shot! (for the record, I'm also very good at hearing AS50 shots coming from the top of bromy!) Oh and I can't do every day... thursdays and wednesdays are difficult for me but still... most other days I'm fine.