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Everything posted by Spandex

  1. Nice story. Love the interesting things that can happen in DayZ. Personally, as soon as the firing started I'd have hopped into the drivers seat and made a break for it in the car. You'd almost certainly get wasted but at least they'd have to put a few holes in their car. Hehe, me too! Ordinarily I'd just shoot the first guy I laid eyes on and go down in a blaze of glory but now I'm thinking I'd probably comply just to see what happens.
  2. Spandex

    Sniper mil-dot range calculator

    If you have time to use a calculator like that you've clearly done something right and so are probably quite a good sniper. IMO.
  3. Mk.48 G17 All the gear please but if I could only pick one from that list I'd take the NVG's. I suppose a Bison in the backpack would be handy for when I need to despatch zombies on the quiet.
  4. Spandex

    Trying to introduce a friend to DayZ

    No, it's not a game suited to all people. I have a few friends I play games like L4D with but I have not bothered recommending DayZ to them. Many simply don't have the patience
  5. Hmm, as far as trolls go it's not bad. We're on to page 2 already so it has a modicum of skill but there's still some fundamental flaws that many amateur trolls often exhibit. I'd give it a 4/10 as far as trolling attempts go.
  6. Spandex

    Trying to introduce a friend to DayZ

    Shoulda jumped out and found another server as soon as he got teleported the first time. Just hanging around in the same server waiting for the hackers to fuck with you is asking for trouble.
  7. Spandex

    Best and worst feeling in DayZ?

    Hmmm, thus far: Best: Cruising the streets of Chernarus with my pals in our little car that we'd worked hard to fix. Worst: Having the above car taken off us by hackers about 10 minutes after we got it running.
  8. Spandex

    Sex in DayZ

    I'm a DayZ girly. No idea if it stays people's trigger finger but my current character is over 2 weeks old now (playing every other night or so) and I haven't been shot at.... Playing as a geezer previously I have been ventilated on a regular basis.
  9. Spandex

    Found my first GPS today!

    We seemed to be charmed when it comes to GPS's. Our happy little band of three have found 5 or 6 in the last couple of weeks. Shame the other two keep dying and losing them. What we cannot seem to find is NVG's or rangefinders.
  10. Spandex

    What Does DayZ Mean To You? (PvP or Survival)

    I play it as a survival game. I don't mind a bit of PvP but I don't particularly care for the instant KoS attitude that pervades all of DayZdom. I'd have much more fun if there were more friendly interactions but then I don't really expect everyone to do what I think is fun so I don't like to complain too much.
  11. Had most of the guns in the game and (nearly) all of the equipment but have still yet to find any NVG's or rangefinders.
  12. Spandex

    Bear traps

    I've found a couple but can never be arsed lugging them around so I just set them in the woods somewhere and leave them. Do they survive server resets?
  13. Spandex

    How to "officially" pronounce "Day Z" ?

    I say Day Zed but frequently lapse into Day Zee after watching too many vids.
  14. Sounds like a pretty clever and effective system to me. Good effort.
  15. Spandex

    Epic Crawl

    Why would you go to Berezino from Bor with a broken leg? Surely Cherno is closer?
  16. Spandex

    Why do i keep getting kicked (Derp)

    We've had something similar a couple of times. Having Steam re-verify the files and then firing up both ArmaII and the expansion has fixed it on both occasions.
  17. Of course it is. Don't be so pedantic. Or perhaps read your own sig! Yeah, infections are a bugger. I got one and also couldn't find any antibiotics for love nor money. A working temperature gauge would help immensely in avoiding them. In the end mine just disappeared of it's own accord. I just kept scarfing cooked meat to keep my blood up and sat by a fire for a while to bring my temperature back up. When I logged in the next day my cough had gone. Oh and sorry for your loss. I know how it is to lose a vehicle you've worked hard for. Hackers took ours mere minutes after we got it up and running.
  18. Spandex

    Combat Logging (ALt+F4) solved...

    As best we can. A decent internet connection simply isn't available where I live. Some nights it's unusable, others it's absolutely fine. I kinda like ONLINE games (and have done for many, many years) so would like to carry on playing them if it's okay by you. Oh and for the record, another vote here for someone who has Alt-F4'd when a hacker attacked. Both my buddies reported being floated upwards over TS. I was looking at my desktop before they had finished their sentence. Coyote, DMR and GPS. I'd never been so geared.
  19. Spandex

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    All your other childish attention seeking aside, that's actually quite good. Kudos.
  20. Spandex

    Combat Logging (ALt+F4) solved...

    Having a nice stable internet connection would be nice. I do not have a nice stable internet connection and so frequently get kicked for massive ping spikes. On average, I'd say that on any given 3 hour gaming session I'll probably get booted perhaps half a dozen times. If my guy was stood about getting his ass kicked every time this happened the game would be rendered unplayable for me.
  21. Spandex

    Hatchet battle between two hostages.

    Not exactly original.
  22. Spandex

    Which games did you abandon for DayZ?

    BF3, Skyrim, TF2, L4D2. Though, to be honest, I hadn't been playing much of BF3 or Skyrim much recently anyway. Not even touched the Dawnguard expansion and have completely lost track of what shitty expansions have been released for BF3.
  23. Spandex

    What's your current loadout?

    Right, well, we've had a death in the family and a bit of a gear reshuffle but I still hate my M9 and we still have a surfeit of GPS's so I'm interested. Away for the weekend but I might hit you up on some potential trades. Anyway, current gear now is the same as before but a backpack full of DMR mags has replaced the AKM.
  24. Spandex

    I Can't Keep Playing Like This

    Me neither, that's not what I'm saying at all. Asshole =/= Bandit =/= KoS'er I understand why folks would shoot others on sight. It's safer. I understand why folks would kill others for their loot (Banditry). I also fully understand why folks would kill others just for fun. It's all part of the rich tapestry that is DayZ. No, all I am saying is that I find it interesting that this mod allows asshats to justify or label their asshattery as banditry. IMO there's a difference between being an out and out asshole and being a bandit.
  25. Spandex

    Safest Game Style In DayZ?

    This. Safest has got to be a small group (say 2 or 3) of survivors who avoid contact with other players. Stick to quiet servers and quiet parts of the map with no large zombie concentrations. Barring hackers I can't see how you could die.