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Everything posted by BuzzBurridge

  1. Its a zombie survival game. You should be focusing on surviving the zombie apocalypse not some stupid back story of how your daughter got bitten and you have to spend every 3 hours running back to one spot on the map to give her some stupid antidote so she doesn't turn into a zombie. This game doesn't need a back story. If you want a back story then invent one for yourself, use your imagination to fuel your experience but don't try to dull ours down with your stupid crap. Minecraft which is one the most popular games has no back story and look how that did. Do you think it would be improved if its back story was about some lesbian space pilots who crashed into a planet of some strange world and you were the only one who survived and you have to fight for survival? I also don't understand want you are trying to achieve with the "put yourself in a zombies shoes" thing. Do you want zombies to be a playable character? or do you just want them to be more retarded and chase ever sound effect in the game so effectively they would just bump into each other over and over again because zombies make noise and zombies are attracted to noise... So the player would walk past and see a whole horde of zombies piling up on each other. The game is the best zombie survival game I've ever played. Its perfect the way it is. The only thing that needs doing is fixing a few glitches and bugs and possibly some new weapons or equipment.
  2. BuzzBurridge

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    Agreed Although its funny that people will shot first and ask questions later but the second they see a girl skin they all freak out and try to work with her/him and then bitch on sidechat when they get betrayed.
  3. BuzzBurridge

    A contract

    If this person is on any Australian servers I'd kill him/her for free, I live for the hunt. Plus most player corpses have awesome loot which pay for themselves.
  4. BuzzBurridge

    Aussie Bandits

    Ever thought of doing an exhibition to the airport? If so ill team up with ya
  5. BuzzBurridge

    Bandit fails

    I was hunting a character who was running around map like a retard. He ended up running towards me so i took a few shots at him. What i failed to see was the army of zombies chasing him who then decided to go after me instead. I killed a few but ultimately ended up dying and the other dude managed to escape all thanks to me :(. I guess you can also count every time i used a flare at night and then go sniped 5 seconds later :P.
  6. BuzzBurridge

    The Misfits : A Day Z video thread.

    A lot of mayhem
  7. BuzzBurridge

    Your Best Bandit Video Thread

    Its not the best video but its related.