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Everything posted by BuzzBurridge

  1. BuzzBurridge

    How to Stop Dupers

    I see a lot of people complaining about Dupping in Dayz. I think i've found an effect way to stop it.
  2. BuzzBurridge

    How to Stop Dupers

    Nope they were randoms I met that day
  3. BuzzBurridge

    Day Z Videos

  4. BuzzBurridge

    The Mountain

  5. BuzzBurridge

    US 1040 Colony Idea?

    Sounds like a great idea in theory. But i'm not sure if this would actually work. If it does it will be epic
  6. BuzzBurridge

    Play what you paid for

    Honestly I like the fear of wondering if someone is hostile or friendly. Hackers are the only problem ATM.
  7. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon?

    Given the changes to many of the weapons in dayz. What do you all think is the worst one now? Vote here: http://neverstormgaming.com/
  8. BuzzBurridge

    Hacked gear found on DayZ - GB #500 Clanserver

    Pics or it didn't happen :P
  9. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon?

    Is it actually possible to kill a zombie with a crowbar?
  10. BuzzBurridge

    Lee Enfield

    I made a Weapon Tutorial for the Lee Enfield Rifle. Let me know if its any good.
  11. BuzzBurridge

    Lee Enfield

    Thanks for the advise
  12. BuzzBurridge

    Silenced FN FAL/Silenced Sniper?

  13. BuzzBurridge

    Lee Enfield Nerfed?

    Has the Lee Enfield been nerfed? Because I'm still able to one shot everyone? Lee Enfield Weapons Tutorial:
  14. BuzzBurridge

    Lee Enfield Nerfed?

    Wow thats a massive nerf. 6700 damage is a shit load still for a beginner weapon.
  15. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    What does everyone think is the worst weapon in dayz. Personally I think its the Crossbow. Horrible iron sites, ammo takes up a slot each and low damage. Edit: I'm really surprised with the weapons people are hating on. So I've decided to conducted a survey on what the most hated weapon is. To vote go here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BY2M9BD
  16. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon In Dayz -Vote

    My bad before 1.62 so the 1.6 version. The 1.62 hasn't been out for very long so people haven't been given a decent chance to try all the weapons out.
  17. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon In Dayz -Vote

    Preferably before the patch
  18. BuzzBurridge

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    I'm really surprised with the weapons people are hating on. So I've decided to conducted a survey on what the most hated weapon is. To read more go here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49451-worst-weapon-in-dayz-vote/ and to vote go here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BY2M9BD
  19. I have the same problem. Tried all the new updates and patches and still no fix.
  20. BuzzBurridge

    Nothing will save

    I'm currently having a problem where every time I log off and log back on all my stuff is reset to default starting gear but I log back in where ever I logged off. Does anyone else have this glitch or know how to fix it?
  21. Find a helicopter, Kill a few people and have some fun with it, get ready to attack NW Airfield with it, Server restarts with no warning... All of us spawn in the air and die. Helicopter is never seen again :(
  22. BuzzBurridge

    Best moment in Dayz ruined by a server restart

    So your saying that if you found a helicopter in dayz wouldn't get in it, fly around and shoot people?
  23. BuzzBurridge

    Best moment in Dayz ruined by a server restart

    That would explain a lot. It was weird that we found it in the first place. It was a lot of fun while it lasted
  24. BuzzBurridge

    UH-1H Huey Glitches

    I know the UH-1H Huey is removed from the game but my Clan came across it on one of the NZ servers. We found a bunch of glitches which we believe are the reason why the Huey was removed. So does anyone know how did the helicopter got in the game? or was it an admin or hackers who added it? If you want to see what we got up to watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hENjwvD3C5o&feature=relmfu
  25. BuzzBurridge

    UH-1H Huey Glitches

    I think they are the same ones who hacked in Eve Online