Hi everyone, my firends and i changed our whitelisted server to an privat server with an privat hive ... because, all these hacker everywhere just ruin this game. well now we got our password secured server, no hackers ... but also no other players. and thats realy boring too. And thats why we are searching form some honest groups of players who wants to play with us on our server ( or against ... what ever :P ). Why clans and not individuals? Easy: because a single person wouldnt care if he gets banned for hacking. BUT an entire clan just for the bad behavior of one of them, is mutch harder. Whats about the server? "Dayz Bliss - DE MY189 (v1.7.2.6/Beta 97239) [VETERAN][GMT-3] - hosted by gamed!de" , chernarus, i think that says everything :) Who is "my friends and I"? We are an group of about 10 friends coming from everywhere from germany well its a try to get some honest players and play with them our beloved game. if you have interesste, write me a PM with a few details about yourself. thx