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Everything posted by lemonsoup

  1. lemonsoup

    Universal "First Contact" Protocol.

    I think its much too complicated, but at the end of that day I have had a lot of luck with simply trusting people. My own tactic is to get into an elevated, hidden position and say 'Person X, I am in the field to your south, low on blood. friendly?' Of course, I am on this hill to the north and if he raises his weapon and runs to the field I can safely pop him. Otherwise, I have met far more survivorbros than backstabbers. Having an elongated and cumbersome protocol that not everyone will be familiar with is just asking for trouble. The percentage of bandits is actually pretty low, the only thing that is causing this shoot-on-sight mentality is the assumption that every second person is out to kill you. If you have that mindset, just avoid encounters all together, rather than popping them 'just in case' and becoming one of those you hate the most.
  2. lemonsoup

    Pre patched ?

    Install the latest version. The mod is currently at Download all of the files from a mirror at www.armafiles.info/DayZ.