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About TheMoodyOne

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  1. Nights are too dark to survive the removal of NVG's at the moment the the server goes over to night 90% of people hop onto another server and of that last 10% some will only be staying because they have NVG's now I can agree with the 50 cal snipers (and I'm guilty of using one) - these guns are rare even in active units and realistically you wouldn't find more than a couple in an area the size of the game - and the ammo would be just as rare
  2. Just to point it out to everyone (thanks to the joy of QI and Stephen Fry) an earlier poster was entirely correct The American version of the English language is actually closer to the "Original" English language than "Queens" English Basically in the 19th century when relations with the US were "poor" the British Empire decided it didn't like the fact the US spoke the same language and so they "tarted" the language up making it "posher" - this involved adding U to a number of words and changing the sound of others (including zee to zed) - the idea was to make "English" English sound posher and more refined than the US English... Oh and I'm British before people think this is some US "propaganda"
  3. TheMoodyOne

    The threats in this game no longer exist.

    the Op is 100% correct when it comes to the Zeds since the latest patch they have been behaving really really odd... a few anecdotes me and 2 buddies were on the NW Airfield - we were crawling around a corner and came face to face with 2 Zeds - one walking towards us about 15m out and 1 walking away from us 20m out - even prone we were going to get seen I was on "Zed duty" so I brought my 1911 up and popped the Zed walking towards us - prior to this version even a pistol shot would bring some Zeds and would certainly have alerted the 20m out zed but no - he kept on plodding along like we had never fired... a few minutes later we spawned a group of Zeds at a building 100m to 120m away - we were crouch walking and yet as soon as they spawned they charged straight at us Some time later with around 7 of us we hit the Camp at SS - I was on "over-watch" with a sniper rifle up on hill - the Zeds spawn as the group get close however some are "frozen" from my Scope I can see Zeds from the camp to the store and around 50% aren't moving - the Zeds not moving are completely inert - they don't react to noise or visual input tl dr Zeds are: Not reacting to Audio input - gunshots/foot steps - at all Over Reacting to Visual Input over distance some of the time Sometimes completely inert
  4. TheMoodyOne

    Learnt a valuable lesson..

    I play with my brother and we have a simple rule - if we see someone who we don't know and we cant avoid - we will shoot first and live with any consequences... last night we were looting a barn to get my brother a Rifle - we had to shoot a few Zeds who were holding a rave on the top floor and while my brother was looting one side I moved to the other I was half way up the stairs when I hear footsteps - I turn expecting to see a Zed and instead see a Survivor with an Enfield - he hesitates (maybe surprised by my Camo or maybe he hadn't made his mind up) and I drop him cleanly as soon as my sights come up lesson to be learned? If you hear shooting and you are going Solo DON'T approach the area and instead keep your distance - if he hadn't cornered me in the barn and instead had been 100m + away I probably wouldn't have shot him
  5. it really depends on which FN FAL you find - there are 2 both of which spawn at the helicopters one is a scope less and generally pointless gun (while it is powerful the ammo rarity makes it worthless) the second is the FN FAL ANPV S4 which is worth its weight in gold - why? it has a night vision scope... I managed to find the scoped FN from a crash yesterday along with 2 clips as far as I know you can find FN FAL ammo in Barracks (swear I saw some a few patches ago)
  6. TheMoodyOne


    there are several real life draw backs to Cannibalism - notable it makes you sick after long periods and doesn't have enough Vitamins to live Solely off abstracting this onto game - the "strange" meat should not provide any blood (but does satisfy Hunger), reduce humanity (long term Cannibalism drives you insane) and with a chance of shakes basically it would be a "last" resort for when starvation comes a calling
  7. TheMoodyOne

    A question about infected speeds

    My changes would be 2 fold 1) Slow the Zombies down a touch - the speed Survivors run while crouched should be perfect - this should minimise the zig-zaging problem a bit - to go with this the Zombies should do more damage - maybe 2 x the current damage 2) Introduce Survivor Stamina - basically right now we run everywhere and usually crouched - as a Survivor hindered by gear you should only be able to run for short periods followed by resting - Sprinting should use the most stamina and crouch running somewhat less (half as much maybe) - as the stamina gets lower the Survivors speed should slow down until eventually you cant run any-more and are limited to walking. The amount of stamina should be linked to Thirst and Hunger - people who are in "peak" condition (ie well fed and not thirsty) should run for longer. This should allow you to burst away from the horde by sprinting to give you some room for kill shots before you run out of stamina - it should also slow down players outside of combat since they would have to walk between towns more not run every where it was also force people to use more supplies because right now we wait until we are flashing red for Hunger and Thirst in order to conserve supplies - if low Hunger and Thirst reduced stamina then you wouldn't want to creep into town while not in the green...
  8. TheMoodyOne

    CZ or Enfield?

    the CZ has a 150m sound radius im pretty sure the Enfield was at 200m the last time I looked the Enfield is more powerful but lacks a scope making it better for short to mid range encounters the CZ can engage out to 900m thanks to its scope neither should be used to engage Zeds - they both are weapons for fighting other Survivors
  9. so far the only players to kill me all had the Survivor skin anyway - this change doesn't actually change anything - you already had to watch you back with ANY Survivors...
  10. I think I read in a thread earlier it now has a 140m sound radius. This means every Zed in 140m will come running when you fire... the CZ (the scoped Hunting Rifle) is 150m so the Winnie is only just quieter... if you don't want to pull everything use your Rifle for +150m engagements and your side arm for up close
  11. TheMoodyOne

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    not all of us "newbies" rush to the cities - I actually spawned right next to Electro and made a beeline away from it... I don't know if id say I am a "wilder" - I generally stay to the Midlands and haven't ever gone anywhere near the far North... the Midlands see to be the safest - lots of farms/small towns to loot and not very many survivors (which means few Bandits) - I think I haven't fired a shot in 3 days now and while I did hear shooting the other day in those 3 days I have only seen 1 other survivor (we walked right into each other in a small town) and he seemed more scared of me than I was of him...