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About barmalei

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    On the Coast
  1. barmalei

    RU 2 mass kill

    Everyone on RU 2 were teleported to one of the spawn location high in the air and all fall to death. It happened few minutes ago, about 9:00 AM (GMT+2) I've managed to disconnect during the falling and relogin on other server. Is it possible to return my gear through support? I had L85, DMR and many other tasty things =( P.S.: I've found my dead body, but it is under water and I can't loot it =( P.P.S.: NVM, I've returned my gear =) Need to aim with right mouse button to loot body under water. Hope it'll help someone in similar situation.
  2. * Server this happened on. Server TX4 http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/242474 * Time that it happened including your timezone. About 21:00, GMT + 2. * What happened during the incident. I was running across the field from Polana to Gorka and saw a player standing near the helicopter. I decided to shoot him and take his heli. At first I didn't saw exactly the model of the heli, a few moments after I've reilized that it was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MH-6_Little_Bird Player was armed with something like AS50 with thermal scope. I shoot him 2 or 3 times with my Lee Enfield but he didn't die, only looked around trying to spot me. When he didn't find me he ran into the trees nearby. I ran there too. We met face to face and I shoot him about 15 times more with my SMLE. I was hope that that was just desync, but then he realized that he is too dumb to shoot me with his uber weapon and ran to the helicopter, got into it, took off and unleashed rockets on me. Unfortunatly I forgot to make video or screenshot cause of the adrenaline during the fight =( Also server didn't show player nicknames. Such people ruin all interest in this game. I think I will not play few days because of this incident. But I hope one day DayZ will be free from cheaters so we can play fairly.
  3. Date/Time: about 2 hours before this post, 7:30 GMT I think. What happened: I killed player from distance about 300-400 meters, I watched my murders count and saw moment when it increased by 1 so player was actually killed by me right now. After about 3-5 seconds his body began to dissolve in the ground like of somebody have chosen "Hide body" option in scroll menu. Nobody was there except me. Where you were: NW Airfield What you were doing: Was going to barracks, saw player, killed him. *Current installed version: DayZ mod, Arma 2 Beta patch 93825
  4. I really don't see any point when people from Europe come home from work wanting to play the game and after about an hour it is starting to get darker (about 7:20pm server time you can hardly see surroundings). Let's be honest - most of the people prefer to see where they are going and what threats are around them. So they leave their servers with low ping and trying to enter US servers. What do we get? Almost empty servers in Europe and lagging/falling server in US region. If night will be not so dark and people will be able to see zeds\other players at least from 40 meters they will mostly stay at their servers. And I mean they must be able to see surroundings near them from the start at least outdoors. And if they want to see targets from far distance or indoors they have to look for night goggles or flashlight or throw flare. Also I don't see much reason in 24 hours day cycle. It would be much better if player will be able to see day, sunset, night, sunrise all of these in single few hours game session. Or at least it may be like, for example, today when I come home from work I'll play at night and tommorow at the same time at the same server it will be day. I think you have to experiment with day length. You can see how Mortal Online deals with it. I really like their day/night cycle. In general, I think it's too dark night is responsible for the ever-overloaded servers. Solving this problem you will avoid the risk that players will just get tired every night looking for a new free server, watching at the "Waiting server response..." and then connect again and again all around. And not the fact that the server does not fall after 5 minutes due to congestion. If people are distributed across the servers in their own time zone, it is obvious that the load on the servers will decrease by half, and all will just benefit from that. Anyway thank you for the great mod! =)