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About Michno

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  1. Dayz icon and textless I really like the new look of DayZ and i'm thinking of having like animation for "Hunger 200 - 300 - 400" Where the animation gets more and more expressive. and having it for like thirst. having it for too Fatigue would really add to the immersion (obliviously very little change in the running or stance but if you get all "breathy" you'll sink your back backwards like when you crunch it = no interruption in running ) I'm trying to get rid of that ugly text ;b i feel like it really breaks immersion. Oh and btw i'm a little high :DD Bai - Michno
  2. Michno

    *NEW* Dayz Private Hive

    Server had been down due to our host not seeing that we payed for the server. it's up and will stay that way! Also we have added 2 new helis and the cars are still there
  3. So i read up a little and i need help i went ahead and modified my sever so that on regular it's gonna have map = 1 But i doesnt work. when on the sever me and my friend can set a marker when in heli but as soon as we leave a helicopter they're not there
  4. No i mean on my sever. :) sorry for not clarifying that. I'm using survival servers
  5. So my problem is basicly when in game we cant set markers of where too go. Any help will be feeded with beans AND LOTS OF THEM :o ( well only one )
  6. Just wanted too say. Great server tools. Great prices And i rarely dip below 45 fps on my server it's amazing
  7. Michno

    *NEW* Dayz Private Hive

    Remeber 3 helicopters are still on their normal places and all vehciels are still there.
  8. Hello me and my friend Senseless just started a new private hive. 75 vechiels. We're looking for regular players that are up for some good old DAYZ Join now and join the fun!
  9. Michno

    New Dayz series High shooters

    What dafuq happend yestoday xD
  10. Michno

    New Dayz series High shooters

    :3 aww you no liky ilky?
  11. Would any one be interested in a new dayz series about a high guy looking for a safe spot in taviana. ??
  12. Michno

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Rick Leone Because it gives us a great idea of how the game will be playing. and it looks amazing !
  13. Michno

    My account on another computer

    Just download a cd changer. some of then require you learn HEX and meh. all that work for a sinlge character i've died 1000 times xD.
  14. Michno

    Decent PC low FPS?

    No problem mate :)