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Everything posted by CptMugwash

  1. Question: If diseases can contaminate gear, can they also contaminate vehicles? And there does need to be some kind of gear to protect you from certain diseases maybe even a rare as hell fully encapsulating chemical protection suit, I've seen an OPCH-70 (Czech) suit which looks pretty sick. Also, as another threat, if the zombies, bandits and diseases aren't bad enough extreme weather conditions would be cool, e.g. extreme winds, you'd struggle to walk, it would pull at your vehicle and depending on which kind, like a bus, maybe tip it, can blow over zombies and trees and if trees fell on zombies, players, vehicles, camps etc could be destroyed and block roads. Combine the winds with rain it'd make a flu/cold/hypothermia a bigger risk, greatly reducing visibilty, maybe add windscreen wipers to cars? And the game is set in Russia which can get pretty snowy. From this you'd get Chilblains, Frostbite, Frostnip, Trench foot, etc.
  2. The amount of zombies around a crashed chopper would be a lot more then 2, the amount of noise it would make would attract atleast 12 but these would be normal zombies with 1 or 2 military ones who have heard/seen the chopper crash and travelled to the location, spread out milling around, some could be feasting on the passenger's corpses too. The amount of loot that's been suggested is a bit much, weapons could be damaged or destroyed from the crash so would be useless unless repairable.
  3. I think they have confirmed it with the magazines and bullets etc in an interview somewhere on youtube. Interesting idea about tobacco, be cool to use as a kind of currency, reminds me of smokers from Waterworld. Crippled limbs, for broken legs you could use crutches to walk as I hope morphine won't be an instant fix, as well as slings for arms. Everything else thumbs up :)
  4. If doors become barricadable then a crowbar or axe would be good to get in, idk if you can get the car parts should use a toolbox for that, anyways, it is a bit silly the way the parts are now, oh hey I've found a main rotor assembly, i can fit it in my backpack? wtf? The way this should be done is turn the parts into 'parts' like fuel tank parts, engine parts, rotor assembly parts, etc. making it a bit more believable, and also with wheels, the slots they take up should be increased to 2 or more, irl you could carry 2 wheels but struggle a bit.
  5. I think they're pretty busy with the lawsuits against WarZ copywriting DayZ stuff and those guys still in Greek prison?
  6. They'll probably get rid of hero and bandit skins for the mod first before SA comes out, which isn't long, that's my guess anyways.
  7. CptMugwash

    Getting the Game Tomorrow

    Standalone is this December I believe, not sure exactly when. Anyways, when you're new the main keys to use are ctrl + esc to minimize the game and check the dayzdb loot map, when you spawn you wont have a map so it's a little cheat to help you, helped me tons :D When you spawn make note of the middle location in the bottom right corner, it will come up with e.g. Chernarus - Kamenka - ............ , you'll usually spawn along the north shore or halfway up the east coast. Quickly look at your map and plan your route, use landmarks to guide you, you can click the loot dots on the dayzdb map to show the buildings that have loot in. When I first started i wanted to go into every building but you'll soon learn which ones contain loot and what kind.
  8. CptMugwash

    customized clothes with more for standalone ?

    Defiinitely custom character clothes, to be unique and like you guys have said so friends can identify you better. Me and my bro are black guys in game so we know who each other is. Also I don't think zombies should pick stuff up, if they are making zombies more unique then they could put objects in zombies hands, e.g. Dawn of the Dead Original when Flyboy turns he's holding his revolver, but that'd just be a waste of devs time, perhaps in the distant future.
  9. They should definitely remove bandit and hero skins, happens all the time where bandit dies, respawns with new char no bandit skin, kills you because you think you can trust them because they have the new spawn skin, or you shoot someone in defense but you get the bandit skin. Although if they get rid of the skins then it would be more favorable to bandits because of the anonymity. If they made characters more customisable then people would recognize who you are because your skin would be unique. Sidechat - "Watch out for that guy in the leather jacket and jeans with a baseball cap, he's a bandit." What I'm getting at is your humanity shouldn't be numbers, it should be word of mouth, hey can I trust so and so etc.
  10. More Wind, could blow down trees, trees landing on tents could destroy them losing all loot inside or some spreads out of it? the fallen trees would block roads and wreck vehicles. Also leaves and debris would fly around obscuring vision, not like a tornado but bits of paper and stuff. Different wind SFX too, like whistling and howling, trees creaking and leaves rustling, tin cans being blown around (when near buildings), also noise could be carried a greater distance in the wind.
  11. More zombie stuff, Make zombies stay once spawned in, rather than running away from a town and the zeds disappearing and you can't tell if a player is nearby if the zombies stay. The server, if possible, would remember all the zombies. Zombie spawns should be more random and spread out rather then clumped in a group. Also, when you aggro zombies, once you leave the zombies visible and audible range they stop running after you however they will move in the direction of where they last heard/saw you. They could 'despawn' if they reach the map limit. E.g. The Walking Dead, season 2, how Hershel's Farm gets overrun, it shows you the zombies in Atlanta city, a helicopter flys by and they are attracted to the noise, although the chopper is long gone the zeds have gone in the same direction as the chopper, they are then distracted by a gunshot at the farm. Seasons, TBH there's no real point, I'd be happier if they made the map a little bigger with snowy parts or covered some exhisitng areas in snow like the Northern hills where players set up camps, maybe NWAF, NEAF and Devil's Castle. Also implemented wind more, high winds could effect bullet trajectory and even pull your vehicle when driving and make it difficult to walk, but also blow zombies over if the wind is strong enough, as well as decreasing visibility when raining/snowing. Imagine if there was a real high wind and blew a zombie over but it's head smashed against a wall.
  12. gravatrax, I wouldn't mind some form of singleplayer/private hosted game, like alot of games do now you host them on your own computer and yes zombies shouldn't be able to climb ladders, also running through doors, maybe they could bash them open if they know a player is inside? I'm not sure about choosing your own spawn but maybe more random so say you could spawn somehwere inland on the outskirts of towns etc. The Khan, agreeing with you on the zombie spawns, once you clear a town no more zeds should spawn aslong as you stay with the town's 'boundaries', also something that's been mentioned quite a few times is a few zombies that spawn in forests and inside of buildings. Maybe they could combine all maps into one big world? idk how big of a job that'd be though, pretty big I imagine. Also agreeing with you on the vehicles, but then you'd get alot of players just driving around, also fixing vehicles, you should be able to take parts from one vehicle of the same kind and use them on another and the fuel consumption is terrible, it needs to be a bit longer me thinks before you run out.
  13. A fork lift truck to go with some new barricades, bricks on a pallet. Too big to be moved by a vehicle without badly damaging it, can only be moved with a fork lift truck, players cannot take it down or vault it and it stops zombies, the only way the bricks on a pallet would be destroyed is by a grenade/satchel/rocket. I'm hoping with DayZ Standalone that once you secure an area zombies won't spawn in, say you kill the zombies, run away to loot somewhere and come back there shouldn't be any more zombies there. Also there could be some kind of flatbed truck to load the bricks onto.
  14. Hey folks, it's sad to say that I have not come across a server that is completely friendly, there is always someone who will either shoot you on sight or stab you in the back. Just today I was going off to pick some guys up, who had just died, from Cherno, (these guys actually 'borrowed' 2 vans from me), on my way there down the East coast road I see a new spawn, being nice I offer him a ride, we flew right around through Elektro then the guy spotted a green car on the side of the road in Prigorodky, my Gaz was full of spare parts so I got out to fix it up, as soon as I left the guy popped into the drivers seat and sped off. Moments later as I'm now looking for spare parts for this green car I bump into another new spawn being chased by zeds, but this guy was actually friendly and gave me a morphine injector. The thing is, is it too much to ask for? Why can't everyone just get along... The idea in my head is take the factory south of Polana for example, a great place for a base, if most of the 50 players all worked together, making loot runs to all the hot spots, picking up new vehicles, etc, everyone would be quite happy, right? Picture the factory at night, cars coming and going, camp fires with people sitting around just talking and stuff, tents set up all along the wall. And there is only so much one person can carry and if all players are bringing in more and more loot then everyone would have a fair share. Is there anybody who shares this idea? Peace. CaptMugwash
  15. Great idea, can't believe I didn't think of this before. I know we already have the flu in game but maybe a more severe disease, also in that Soviet era they were developing biological weapons. I also like how you might not risk looting an infected player and then there will be some few who will, but to properly protect yourself you'd need a gas mask, also gloves aswell when handling infected players, if you're not wearing gloves you could still become infected if you do something like eat or drink, also if you are infected and you handle items like giving them to your friend then they could become infected too.
  16. More Vehicles - Dune Buggy, Tow Truck, Campervan, Train. The Train could be a diesel engine for hauling cargo but no extra carriages, the track in Chernaurus could be a complete circuit and extra buildings could be added like an engine shed, etc. The Train could spawn 1 per server at any various station, may need repairs such as engine, scrap metal, windscreen, fuel tank, maybe, open for discussion. The Train can be derailed if you take a corner too fast, or there is an explosion, a vehicle or other items such as tank traps are on the track, etc. Torrential Rain - I know it has been mentioned before and I thought I'd add to it. If you are caught in a torrential downpour for a few minutes and unable to find shelter you succumb to illness, cold, hypothermia. With more enterable buildings I have noticed some have fire places, when it rains you are unable to make a fire and so you could use a fireplace with wood pile and matches to warm you up. However, other players outside of the building may see the smoke rising from the chimney, aswell as zombies, perhaps? Wheelbarrow - Can be used to haul extra items around, quicker then carrying a holdall. Can also be used to move injured or unconscious players. Cannot be placed in vehicles or tents. Could be useful for med to large loot raids where a vehicle does not spawn zombies or loot unless this is fixed?
  17. I remembered more stuff, Loadable Bikes & ATVs -These can be loaded onto a pickup, into the Transit Van I suggested and trailer, but they would take up the gear space, to load them up you'd need two players to simultaneously 'lift' them onto the vehicle. Tactical Suit - A full black outfit, including boots, trousers, belt and vest, long sleeved jacket of some kind, gloves and a balaclava. The Tactical Suit could be found like ghillies and camo clothing, but has a use, with the Tactical Suit you can 'combat drop' / 'fast-rope' from helicopters aswell as abseil from buildings, from rooftops and windows. An incredibly useful thing if you ever find yourself trapped. Combat Drops can only be performed when the heli is in auto hover.
  18. I can't exactly remember my first player encounter, but I have had a few, some new spawns wanting to 'team up' etc but one of them, I had found my first sniper a CZ 550, i wanted to try it out, found it in the barns north of Elektro, prone on top of a hill and I see a guy on the northeast fire station, survivor skin, i like to give people a chanch but for some reason this guy didn't get one, I guess I got killed a few times on that server and got fed up of trusting folk, anyways I take a few shots at him and kill him, the name burned into my head, I did later find this guy and turns out he was nice, i felt really guilty even though it's just a game but he forgave in exchange for helping his team out with some engine parts. Recently I started a new server and the first 3 players I've met in Elektro were friendly.
  19. I understand what you're going through but unless you want to play Arma 2 aswell then buying it just for the dayz mod is kinda pointless now, December is just around the corner, I'm sure you can wait for the standalone, occupy yourself with other games for now and before you know it it will be here in all of it's glory. The standalone shouldn't cost as much as buying Combined Ops and it'll just be so much better, just wait, there's only about 5 weeks until December anyways, it'll fly by. :) Whilst the mod is good I'm so much more excited for the standalone.
  20. Rather then posting a new thread it seems better to post these here. I'm sure most of these have been mentioned before, these could be for future updates of the standalone or whatever. Holdalls - Like the one Rick has in The Walking Dead, a player can store items in it like a backpack, it could have a 30ish slot capacity, it doesn't go on your back you have to carry it and drop it, whilst carrying a holdall you can't use a weapon and you can't sprint. Extra Vehicle Variants - What I mean is more vehicles but not more spawns. Harley style motorbike, Reliant Robin, Transit Van, Armoured Truck (like ones used in money transfers with banks etc.), Different Helicopters ranging from the MH-J6 unarmed Heli to the Chinook, but nothing too OP. Maybe some APCs and a Jet Ski. Breakable and Fixable Doors (Wooden) - Including the big barn doors, closing them would prevent zombies entering and if quiet like staying still the zombies may lose interest but if you run around inside they can aggro and break open the door, the door would appear to be off a hinge and unable to close, to fix it you'd need a toolbox but nothing else. To secure wooden doors you'd use planks and a toolbox. Metal gates, zombies can't break through only a vehicle or explosion would smash it open but other players could open it normally. To secure metal gates, chain and padlock is required, bolt cutters would get through it. Trailers - Mobile tents basically, certain vehicles could tow them including the ATV but it wouldn't be very fast, maybe some vehicles could spawn with the trailer already attached but to hitch a trailer up you'd reverse the vehicle up to it as close as possible without damaging it and either do it yourself or get another player to select 'Hitch Trailer'. Trailers can be damaged, they need two tires and scrap metal for the hull, a well placed shot could unhitch the trailer too. Trailers would offer extra storage for small groups on the move. If I can think of more stuff I'll add it here, also those traps are really cool iceeman, should have some mines too and spike strips for cars.