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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello, Use DayZ Commander or Six Updater or manually get the file on the Arma 2 Beta patches page. Nowhere else. Check your computer for any virus/troyans. Edit: ok you tried DayZ Commander, is the error coming from the patch installer ?
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com


    Try with this http://uk1.dayz.nu/l....7.6.1-Full.rar Use DayZ Commander or Six is the best way to keep your files up to date.
  3. Stashes are looking great ! Major ! Any ETA for the next patch Razor ? Can't wait ;)
  4. Hello Darkesttimes ! None of this issues are on our server, no kick if you drink/eat. You can find 78 different vehicles on LU511 (7 choppers, 4 trucks, etc ...) on public hive ! Admins are very present, we fight against hackers every day, and there's not much hack on here. Hope to see you soon !
  5. #b76b27 is the first digits of your GUID. This is a BattlEye ban, ask them.
  6. This is weird. Is the timeout always occurs after the object spawns ?
  7. You're doomed then, they don't accept new server anymore. Maybe you can do a support ticket and ask Razor to help you. But now they always reply move to private.
  8. Revert back to your previous IP will be faster. Or switch to private hive.
  9. Are you the hoster of the server ? If no, have you any issue with you internet connection ? Can you ping the hive ip and dns during like 1 hour without any loss ?
  10. Next version will fix this issue, but there is a trick: always stay prone on disconnect, then when you log back in, you will not have the issue.
  11. Faster than light Domi ;) Testing it right now, seems all right, the process bug is gone. Edit: No more double lines :)
  12. For sure, I'll add you on skype when I reach home ;)
  13. I have this bug too. he means the lines are double (same line is displayed twice).
  14. Hello Matt, sorry for the delay but you have been caught for set posing the Ikarus. 10.04.2013 09:43:52: Mattias (109.225.xxxxx) d778139a5c59xxxxxxxx38ec - #11 2:42 Ikarus [11522,7144,188]
  15. Yes, and try to prone and target the bottom right or left of your tent.
  16. Ok it's not spawning then. The plane doesn't spawn either in our server.
  17. Look at your RPT at start to find what sort of object is the Id 23726684, maybe it will be a tent or wire and can be removed.
  18. 100% working workaround : Get in the vehicle as driver before you repair the parts, and it will work. The same for gas.